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  1. G

    Can't find the ID on my canoe

    With the exception of the seats, it looks like a Grumman. However, the seats look like someone may have tried to replace them. I've never (evereverever) disagreed with Jack, but I will (sorta) now. Not all Grummans have the keel that Jack describes (however, most do). They did make some with...
  2. G


    Brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for posting the video.
  3. G

    Ole farts issues....

    Mowing??? My mower is stashed in the very back of the shed (by the bicycles) probably 'til late April or maybe May. We will have a thaw next week but then I can finish cleaning the leaves I didn't get to 'cuz the backpack bloweris in the shop. Gotta luv the weather in WNY. Don't like it...
  4. G

    Ole farts issues....

    Almost got away without changing this morning:p. Got up to 6" of snow in the driveway and being the really nice guy that I am, decided to clean the driveway and clean off Joy's Jeep since she had a dental appointment this morning. Got all done and had just enough time to meet the guys for our...
  5. G

    Ole farts issues....

    Yeah (sigh) Joy keeps telling me I have to put them on, clean, every morning. I don't understand all the fuss.:rolleyes:
  6. G

    Ole farts issues....

    Other than the fact that I still live in my own home, I, too, have mornings like that.:eek:
  7. G

    (NOT) In A Nutshell

    'Twas generally the case in our house.
  8. G

    (NOT) In A Nutshell

    Seems like salted peanuts and pistachios in the shell are available year round. WHY? They just ain't worth eatin'. The good nuts, pecans, walnuts, chestnuts, etc. are seasonal 'round here. They show up 'fore Thanksgiving and stick around 'til New Years then they are harder to find. Shelled...
  9. G


    I believe the cost to join WCHA is $40. To the best of my knowledge (ain't much) the forum is free,
  10. G

    Another use of Pepperoni for camping besides Pizzas.

    Summer sausage also fries up reasonably well. Makes a great sandwich with biscuits. I've seen pizza made with tortillas and various fixin's but not done upside down. With a decent non-stick pan, it should work fine (in theory, anyway). Let us know how it turns out.
  11. G

    Another use of Pepperoni for camping besides Pizzas.

    Been fryin' up pepperoni for years both out and about and at home, Diced, fried and drained and added to baked beans ummmm good. Have made PLT sandwiches and added fried pepperoni to all sorts of salads. Basically, it can be used in anything you would put bacon in. If you use a pepperoni log...
  12. G

    Tough winter and worse spring

    Back in October, Joy and I decided to downsize due to her macular degeneration. We were 10 mi from town and her license did not permit her to drive after dark. Didn't take long to find the right house but because we are in Erie County, NY, it took 4 months to close (lawyers:mad:). End of Feb...
  13. G

    Tales from the Log of the Ruptured Duck

    Thanks for posting, Jack. Sometimes my trust is misplaced and I get burned. Other times I cautiously hold back trusting someone only to discover my fear was unwarranted. The toughest thing for me to learn was that, in most cases, co-workers, no matter how pleasant and congenial are not...
  14. G


    Been using them for years and they are great. Huggies makes a travel pack of 40 which is enough for 7-10 days and in the travel pack, they generally don't dry up. I like the size of the sheet.
  15. G

    Tales from the Log of the Ruptured Duck

  16. G

    Today it was the Peanut Butter section.....

    My wife has been eating PB & banana sandwiches (on whole wheat bread) for most of her life, and that's a really (really) long time:eek:
  17. G


    Snowing again today:(:mad::confused::eek:
  18. G


    Ended up with 6"+ of snow from yesterday and it has flurried off and on most of today. Where was the snow in February when we were looking at grass? To paraphrase Will Shakespeare - Spring, oh Spring, wherefore art thou, Spring?
  19. G


    Hard to believe today is April 16:confused:! Rain turned to snow about 3PM. Township snow plow ran about an hour ago and it is still coming down:eek:.