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    Famous guys

    Cool article! Thanks for the link! Mike
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    Power window retro-fit

    How to make your own 4 wheel drive, all-wheel steering vehicle on the cheap! POKE HERE Mike
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    Power window retro-fit

    We used to get the Red Green show on television here but I haven't seen it in years. Too bad, he was hilarious! :lol: Mike
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    Power window retro-fit

    Some of the more mechanically inclined here may want to try this do-it-yourself power window conversion for your older vehicles. This is an instructional video, so apologies in advance for dial-up users. POKE HERE Mike
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    New style hardtop

    I'd love to see the pics. Please send me the link. Mike
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    The Great S.P. Rendezvous 2009

    It'll be good to have Steve back here. 8) Mike
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    Camp "Kitchen"

    Moving some stuff around in my garage, I came across this old camp kitchen my Dad had made back in the late '50s. It would take up a lot of room in a canoe, so I doubt it would be too much good for boat camping unless a bunch of folks were going. For stationary camping, it works pretty well...
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    Touring Piroque TV Started

    Is that a satellite dish tied on the back? :roll: Mike
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    Epoxy over paint?

    I found an interesting article about graphite bottoms HERE. Mike
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    another possible attack on gun rights

    Ah, that would be the unConstitutional War of Northern Aggression. :wink: Mike
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    A little extreme

    Sorry if this offends anyone, but that was a dumbass thing to do! :shock: Mike
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    Lake Chicot

    Chicot State Park is one our favorite places to camp. The wife and I try to spend a week there at least twice a year. Ville Platte is an interesting place to re-supply and visit, too. Mike
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    another option in building materials

    That was my biggest concern. Maybe some research is in order. Mike
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    another option in building materials

    Hmmm, that title got me to thinking. Dangerous things happen when I get in the thinking mode. :shock: The plywood is just the filler and the glass is really the strength of the boat. That's what I keep reading here. If that's the case, what about using the corrugated plastic like they use to...
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    Justice , swift and lethal..........

    The new "castle law" went into effect September 1 2007. That means it was the last legislative session that passed the law. LINK Mike
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    Justice , swift and lethal..........

    I don't know about Oklahoma, but in Texas you had a "duty to retreat" before the use of deadly force was authorized. That all changed with the last legislative session, or it might have been 2 sessions ago. We now have a "Castle Law" and it applies to both your home and your vehicle. Mike
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    Justice , swift and lethal..........

    Reading other news articles it appears there are some folks that don't like these dirt-bags getting shot. Too bad - the dirt-bags shouldn't have been in the business of robbery. Getting shot is one of the hazards of that profession. :shock: Personally, I think they should pin a medal on Mr...
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    Home Defense Rifle

    That surprises me, David. Over here, the police are some of the biggest gun aficionados I've ever seen. At least where I work, anyway. Mike
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    Still no boat but plenty of these

    Maybe you could lash a bunch of 'em together and make a raft..................... Mike
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    Home Defense Rifle

    Re: Re: Dat would be me in the 50's and early 60's! 8) I often wonder what today's kids will become. :( Mike