Justice , swift and lethal.......... | SouthernPaddler.com

Justice , swift and lethal..........


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Justice , swift and lethal..........
Plantation, FL -- Last week police were called to investigate an attempted armed robbery:

A 71-year-old retired Marine who opened fire on two robbers at a Subway shop in Plantation , Florida late Wednesday, killing one and critically wounding the other, is described as John Lovell, a former helicopter pilot for two presidents. He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, and he works out everyday. Mr. Lovell was a man of action Wednesday night.

According to Plantation police, two masked gunmen came into the Subway at 1949 North Pine Road just after 11 p.m. There was a lone diner, Mr. Lovell, who was finishing his meal. After robbing the cashier, the two men attempted to shove Mr. Lovell into a bathroom and rob him as well. They got his money, but then Mr. Lovell pulled his handgun and opened fire. He shot one of the thieves in the head and chest and the other in the head.

When police arrived, they found one of the men in the shop, K-9 units found the other in the bushes of a nearby business. They also found cash strewn around the front of the sandwich shop according to Detective Robert Rettig of the Plantation Police Department.

Both men were taken to the Broward General Medical Center , where one, Donicio Arrindell, 22, of North Lauderdale died. The other, 21-year-old Frederick Gadson of Fort Lauderdale , is in critical but stable condition

A longtime friend of Lovell was not surprised to hear what happened. The friend said, ''He'd give you the shirt off his back, but he'd be mad as hell if someone tried to take the shirt off your back.''

Mr. Lovell was a pilot in the Marine Corps, flying former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. He later worked as a pilot for Pan Am and Delta.

He is not expected to be charged authorities said. ''He was in fear for his life,'' Detective Rettig said, "These criminals ought to realize that most men in their 70's have military backgrounds and aren't intimidated by idiots."

Something tells me this old Marine wasn't 'in fear for his life', even though his life was definitely at risk. The only thing he could be charged with is participating in an unfair fight. One 71-year young Marine against two punks. Two head shots and one center body mass shot - outstanding shooting! That'll teach them not to get between a Marine and his meal.

Don't you just love a story with a happy ending?

Florida law allows eligible citizens to carry a concealed weapon. Every state should.

PS. Ya have to watch out for us older guy's. :D


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
Reading other news articles it appears there are some folks that don't like these dirt-bags getting shot. Too bad - the dirt-bags shouldn't have been in the business of robbery. Getting shot is one of the hazards of that profession. :shock:

Personally, I think they should pin a medal on Mr. Lovell. 8)



Well-Known Member
I get the impression had they just left him be, he maybe wouldn't have engaged them for risk of getting the employees hurt. If so, that's smart of him to wait until they were close with their hands on him. He then had a legal right to protect himself and had a better chance of being successful at close range.

I had a police friend tell me once that if, heaven forbid, you were in a situation where you had to shoot someone while protecting you or your family, you're better off ensuring you finish the job. No lawsuits, no counter testimony. That's some pretty harsh stuff but it's the world we live in.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Only on TV do they shoot to disarm the villein ( the shoulder , arm , hand ) and then render 1st aid , real life .... drop the sucker with no less then a double tab ( two shots to the vitals) and make sure he is down and out. Gun's are not toys , they are meant to be used in serious situations to protect your life or others around you when the opportunity arises.

Some cop thinking.............
If you are not willing to do that then you should not have one on you and then we can call you a Victim or The Deceased. :x As we use to say at the Department ...... Better them then me or you ..... or the old .... Better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6. Sounds cruel but so is life and it ain't going to get better for quite a while.

It's a moral decision a person has to make in a split second and then live with all there life , so it better be right , no second guessing when carrying a weapon or using one , you can't call that bullet BACK. On the other hand hesitation will only cost you your life and/or innocent persons in the area. Training is the key as to which way to go or what to do.

We respect life and care about it , they don't and could give a chit less.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I tip my stylish e-hat ta Mr. Lovell. Them fellas who robbed that place got what they deserved. I hope he iz okay now. A heap a times when some pond scum iz removed frum the gene pool, the removerator gits late nite phone calls....threats. I know one fella who got 'em fer over a year...'n all he done wuz call the law. That pond scum got kilt robbin' anuther store 40 miles down the road.

Too bad they didnt have Mr. Lovell at the Sydney airport today.


The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
Here in Georgia we have a "Stand Your Ground" law, passed in the last few years, that clarified the situation about defending yourself. No duty to run or avoid, you don't have to demonstrate that you were trapped. If you, as a reasonable citizen, think that your personal safety is in danger, you can defend yourself.

I think I am right in saying that our Floridian cousins had that sort of law in place before we did.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend George,

I musta fell asleep somewhere. In the South, Texas 'n Oklahoma folks never had ta run frum truble. Up in New England ya had ta tuck yer tail 'n run. That kinda thinkin' spread inta the midwest, but not down here. If Georgia had ta come up with a law, I hope it was a castle law. Self defense haz always been self defense, but down here ya always been able ta stand yer ground.....'n dont need no law on it.


ps I mite have fell asleep like Ole Van Winkle 'n missed some, but that wuz how it wuz round the time I paid $19.95 fer my Bodine College of Law papers.

It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. Winston Churchill


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
bearridge said:
I musta fell asleep somewhere. In the South, Texas 'n Oklahoma folks never had ta run frum truble.
I don't know about Oklahoma, but in Texas you had a "duty to retreat" before the use of deadly force was authorized. That all changed with the last legislative session, or it might have been 2 sessions ago. We now have a "Castle Law" and it applies to both your home and your vehicle.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Here in the land of Heat , Humidity and Hurricanes we have what we call the Shoot your Neighbor Law. Use to be if you came after me I had to hold off till you got inside the house and then defend myself after retreating to the last room in the place. Now if you are just on the lawn ( my property) I can defend myself without retreating into the house.

They did say that door to door salesmen are not considered fair game , just an everyday evil. :D



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
bearridge said:
Mebbe not. The way I learned it, near bout all the Southern states did not require ya ta retreat. I am wore out now. Mebbe I will look at it agin tomorrow?


The new "castle law" went into effect September 1 2007. That means it was the last legislative session that passed the law.
Governor Rick Perry's office said on Tuesday that he had signed a new law that expands Texans' existing right to use deadly force to defend themselves "without retreat" in their homes, cars and workplaces.

"The right to defend oneself from an imminent act of harm should not only be clearly defined in Texas law, but is intuitive to human nature," Perry said on his Web site.

The new law, which takes affect on September 1, extends an exception to a statute that required a person to retreat in the face of a criminal attack. The exception was in the case of an intruder unlawfully entering a person's home.

The law extends a person's right to stand their ground beyond the home to vehicles and workplaces, allowing the reasonable use of deadly force, the governor's office said.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Mebbe the news haz been too busy blamin' that gun out in Oakland that kilt them four cops? [sigh]


That erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner.  Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians, pedagogues and other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else.  H L. Mencken