Lake Chicot |

Lake Chicot

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
This past weekend a few of us, members of the Ozark Society, took a trip to Lake Chicot State Park. The park is located about six miles north of Ville Platte, La.

The trip was to paddle the lake and walk through the La, State Arboretum. Since I figure one tree is about like another and I don't think any can be classed as better or worse. Some are just outstanding compared to the rest. I skipped the tree viewing and spent the whole day on the lake.

Fished for a bit and paddled for a bit. Relaxed for a bit and let the cares of the everyday slip away. For some reason I neglected to take any pics of the actual camping area. It was however a typical State Park campground with set up sites slanted mostly for mega dollar fifth wheel and other trailers of that type. I do know that my tent looked somewhat out of place.

Any how, I drove down Friday after work, set up had a couple of cool ones and relaxed. Saturday on the lake and home in time for work on Sunday. A quick but enjoyable trip. I just wish I could get the time off to attend the rendezvous and Brazos Float.

Poke on this link for a couple of pics if you wish. In truth, there is only one pic on page 2 but, I think it is the best one.

P.S. My camera is not the best so if you click on a pit it will enlarge it a bit. ... %20Chicot/


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
B. C.
I was showing your pictures to Mrs.B and she said, well that looks like some places around here. I just gota build some boats. :cry: Looks like a nice lake. Did ja catch any fish?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
Chicot State Park is one our favorite places to camp. The wife and I try to spend a week there at least twice a year. Ville Platte is an interesting place to re-supply and visit, too.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend seedtick,

I liked Ole Baldy's pichurs (didnt know he wuz a Ozark Society fella), hated that he ('n other Louisiana folk) caint join up on the Brazos paddle-o-rama, but now yer onta somethin' fine. There wuz a Pig Stand in Belzoni, but it iz gone now. I miss Coleman's Barbecue. Never met the barbecue I didn't like cept that time I picked up some empty soft drink bottles fer some good eats at a gas station 'n sprung fer a barbecue under a heat light. It had a green tint. That wuz the last time I ate gas station barbecue.

Memphis haz Tops barbecue. Bout the same az Colemans....jest a step up. Interstate Barbecue iz two steps up, but the difference tween Tops 'n Interstate iz anuther game of inches. [chuckle]

bodine smokers

There's a contradiction at the heart of Islamist confidence, nicely caught in a story from New Zealand about female Muslims driving around in burqas. According to some police representatives, this mode of dress somewhat restricts the field of vision, and also offers opportunities for fleeing bank robbers to disguise themselves as Muslim women. However, nobody wants to be insensitive, do they? And, on the whole, the police were happy to take the Islamic lobby groups at their word that the burqa was a requirement of these women's faith. But as Greg O'Connor of the New Zealand Police Association couldn't resist adding, "If one's belief system was so strong that one didn't want to show one's face then perhaps that belief system should extend to not driving." Indeed. If your clothing can't evolve out of the came-train era, maybe your mode of transportation shouldn't either. Mark Steyn