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  1. F

    Prime & Paint?

    I thinks that's the heart of the issue. I'm not a good wood worker either. In fact, this the first project that I've ever done. I'm sure that I'd get better if I were build more, but I'm not a builder type per se. I guess I'm one of those who builds once and that's it. I built more out of...
  2. F

    Bayou Lafourch Paddle Club

    Lived here all my life.
  3. F

    Bayou Lafourch Paddle Club

    I've never had jambalaya in my entire life. What is it?
  4. F

    Prime & Paint?

    I'm painting. The primer is already on. I'll paint it Tuesday. I'm interested in a solid fishing boat with little maintenance. Paint it is. Sometimes all wood looks gaudy unless it's a canvas or strip planked boat. No offense but plywoods boats look better painted to me. Different strokes...
  5. F

    mystery boat

    It's a UB-10 from U.S. Special Forces. It's now a defunct program experimenting in jungle anti-guerrilla missions. I'm surprised you've got one :wink:
  6. F

    Prime & Paint?

    Do you guys prime and paint or just paint? I just put two coats of primer on the inside. I may put three on the outside. Just wondered what you guys do.
  7. F

    Sculling Oar

    Re: Stand up paddle Do you have any pictures of your stand up paddle? I figure a push pole/paddle could work in a variety of situations.
  8. F

    Cool Kayak fishing video

    Check out this Bass Tech video. I like this video. It's a great talk about low cost fishing via a kayak.
  9. F

    Maiden Voyages of Sasquatch 16.5

    That looks nice. If I ever build another boat that may be it.
  10. F

    Sculling Oar

    Yes, that does help, Russ. This seems like an easy build.
  11. F

    Sculling Oar

    Have any of you made oars? I'm interesting in using a sculling oar (like Chinese style) on my outrigger pirogue. I don't mind standing and sculling. I figure if I'm fly fishing, keeping the outrigger to the starboard side while fishing off the port side would be best. I'm thinking of using that...
  12. F

    Glassing troubles

    Okay, I glassed the boat last night. This morning there are air bubbles along the sides and along where the bottom and sides meet. I'm not sure what I did wrong. How do I correct it? I'll post pictures whenever I can.
  13. F

    No fishing partner?

    This is some kind of joke right? I mean people don't actually stand that close and go fly fishing? If so, the state of humanity is worse than I thought :cry:
  14. F

    Planning new powered pirogue

    That's what I love about building your own stuff. I've made lots of changes in my pirogue. I made lots of mistakes also. Just remember: enough epoxy and saw dust can cover a multitude of sin.
  15. F

    No fishing partner?

    I think I'll stick to largemouth bass and blue gill crappie and catfish. The Black Warrior River is about 400 yards from my apartment. I can roll down there. I can't wait to finish my pirogue.
  16. F

    When to epoxy

    So when you saturate soak the boat do you let it cure before glassing, or do you put the fiberglass on while the saturated boat is still "wet"?
  17. F

    Sit or Kneel

    I thought of buying one of those plastic jon boat type seat from Cheap-Mart. But your seat seems a better match. Is it hard to build? I guess if I'm building a pirogue then a seat shouldn't be too bad.
  18. F

    Sit or Kneel

    Which have you guys found to be more comfortable? I'm considering kneeling just to try it out. Do you need a pillow or something between your butt and ankles?
  19. F

    Heading out in the morning

    I agree. I herniated a disk in my back several years ago. Even an ultralight pack of 15 to 20 lbs is too much for me. But I was just thinking how the boat would haul a bunch of weight for me and I could be iin total comfort. It's almost as if the boat is a beast of burden, like a yak or llama...
  20. F

    Any tips for attaching the bottom?

    I've finally gotten to the point where I can attach the bottom to this thing. What's the best way to attach bottom without screwing things up too badly along the way?