Not bashing Obama , just stating what I have been reading over the last couple of years.....
Obama has had an agenda going trying to ban some weapons and eventually all of them. I believe you would find there is a group working with him hoping to do just that. It looks like they are crawling out from there dark hiding places and slowly going public , possibly looking for votes from the non firearm groups or accepting funds from them.
Mainly Obama and Hillery were trying to get the arms agreement with the UN to control the weapons ( firearms ) here in the states and limit the purchasing of them along with the manufacturing of them , including ammunition.
Eventually creating so many hoops to jump threw that a person would take forever to accomplish purchasing a firearm , especially since it would have to have the OK from the UN.
I can see where it will come to pass but not in a year or two , but later on. 1st They have to get the states to go along and it sure looks like there would be quite a few that will fight it.