Wood Duck in progress | SouthernPaddler.com

Wood Duck in progress


Active Member
May 31, 2012
Jacksonville, Fl.
Morning Folks,

I'm in the middle of building a yak for my nephew. He lives in Richmond Va. and I'm a bit south in Jax, Fl. so I thought I'd do a blog so he can check in on the progress. He's a great kid, all about hiking, fishing, hockey, camping and even makes the honor roll at school! Pardon the bragging...

This is the first time blogging for me and the learning curve is a bear but what a neat way to document and share the build. As much as I cuss this computer I have to admit sometimes it's pretty cool.

Feel free to look around - the shop is a mess but hey, it's pretty busy in there lately.

I was tempted to build a smaller boat but his dad asked for something with growing room. I put a hole in the bow/stern for ropes figuring he may need a tether on a windy day.

Just finished stitching the deck and hull together and going to give it a rest this weekend, looks like we have a few days of rain coming up from Cuba so next week should see some progress.


Yeah, I can handle and even appreciate criticism!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
:) :) :)
Not much better than building a boat for a kid. Nice boat and you were wise for making it with room to grow.

PS; Watch out for geezers claiming to be long lost nephews.


Active Member
May 31, 2012
Jacksonville, Fl.
Good try Jack!

I have her done and the varnish FINALLY got hard enough to move her outside for some decent pictures. This is the first time I've used spar varnish by Rustoleum. It's pretty thick stuff and they say don't thin it. It will skin at a decent pace but don't be in a hurry for the cure. That's the only issue I had with it so I can't complain.

I had some epoxy clouding due to moisture during this build, broke down and bought a used dehumidifier on Craigslist. I'm here to tell y'all that's the ticket if you live in a moist climate. It warmed the shop up about 5°but kept the humidity down to 30-35°. I could do epoxy and varnish anytime! Also seems to make sanding easier.

I'm going to wait a bit longer before I lean her on her sides and climb in to mount the foot pegs, other than that she's ready for the splash!







I didn't even see the dust in that last picture till I looked at the photo!

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
SSKIFF sez, "(I) bought a used dehumidifier on Craigslist. I'm here to tell y'all that's the ticket if you live in a moist climate. It warmed the shop up about 5°, but kept the humidity down to 30-35%. I could do epoxy and varnish anytime! Also seems to make sanding easier."

I bet the dryer air makes beer taste better too. If you don't know for sure - best go research that hypothesis. May take a lot of research :wink: .

The white bottom may be useful for fishing? A fish will see bright sky instead of a shadow, and not shy away, maybe? (That may take a lot of research time too.)

You now have two, deeply important, areas of research to handle. Keep careful and copious records, and report your findings, conclusions, and recommendations.


Active Member
May 31, 2012
Jacksonville, Fl.
Thanks Fellas,

Jack you're spot on about the white bottom. My hull is white and we put the graphite/epoxy mix on Robins, Figured we would compare how they wear over time. we paddle together all the time and consistently fish spook closer to mine. Even the gator gars that scare you into regularity. We've also noticed that when the mullet are jumping I'm their preferred target. I'm sold on the white bottom. Hmm, song title? She wins the abrasion test though. Gotta give the graphite due credit - it is tough. But it get way too hot in the Florida sun to transport exposed.

There are some folks who fish offshore here who have little fishes painted on their hulls - they swear it attracts the predatory species. The past couple of years have seen a decline in the Kingfish tournaments 'round here, those tournament fishermen have tons of tricks, rituals and superstitions. It's like a secret club! I've heard they'll even tell a lie when asked where they caught a big fish.

Floatingbear he is a good nut. Pulls honor roll at school, loves hockey and Lacross. Not much time after all that to be a huckleberry though, hoping the boat helps get him into the woods more. I figure in a couple of years if nothing else it'll be a chick magnet. That'll do it.....Where's the water?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
Hot Springs Arkansas
My youngest (15) was inducted into the Tri-M Society last night so we know what it means to not get a lot of paddle time together. I have promised her a SOF Kayak for her birthday. I am thinking 15' in length and between 24 and 28 inchs wide. She loves paddeling my Dagger which is a 28" so I am leaning that direction for stability. Maybe Jeff's Free B 14 from the Kudzu site and just stretch it a little to give it a little less drag.

One of you guys said something about a gar. She was paddeling with me this summer and had gotten a little brave and had paddeled ahead about 200 yards and was looking down when what she thought was a log started swiming away. She claimed it was nearly the length of the boat (10'5") and close enough to touch. She stayed a little closeer to Mom and Dad after that. And yes we do have them that large in the local watters. In fact she and I hooked one about 3 years ago that was 6 to 7 feet which we got close enough to get a fair look at before he decided he did not want to play with us anymore. She won't paddle there with me anymore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
Hot Springs Arkansas
Tri-M is for Modern Music Masters! I think it was started in Mass in about 1935. It is for kids who are outstanding musicians who also have high marks in acedemics. My kiddo plays trumbone.