seetick, tell me if you have an open spot on one of these trips sometime, I'm about 30-miles from there I think. The way things went today it would have been better than watching football on TV.
Golly that's some pretty water with some nice boats on it. Wish I were there. Up here I'm trying to get my driveway clear from ice and snow. It's so cold I can't get the work area near 50 so I can work some epoxy on the boat. Enoy it fella's........Wish I was there..... :cry:
I'm curious. Where did y'all launch? When I lived in DS about 8-10 years ago, I'd wade fish the Magnolia Bridge area before they started blocking access off.
Launched at Magnolia Bridge and paddled down to Denham Springs. You pretty much have to know someone who lives on the river to get access. The general public over the last generation has made such a mess of the river and beaches that landowners are reluctant to let anyone cross their property.
The river is fresh water. Where we are it's relatively narrow and has a large watershed so the level can vary between 10 feet and 40 feet depending on the amount of rainfall. This trip the river was at about 15 feet. With kind of this level variation, there isn't much built close to the water. Here's a couple more pics.
Fishing is pretty good, now catching fish is a whole different story.
Seriously though I haven't fished this part of the river lately. In years past catching catfish with hoop nets or slat traps was as easy as falling off the proverbial log.
Thanks for the inspiring pictures. I live about three miles west of the Amite in Baton Rouge and I just got my RAKA epoxy and fiberglass last week for my UJ pirogue. I still need to pick up my lumber but I'm shooting to have the pirgoue done in time for the Cub Scout campout (Camp Avondale) at the end of April. We just got home from a Cub Scout overnighter on the Fletcher class destroyer the USS Kidd (only US Warship authorized to fly the Jolly Roger flag) that is berthed along the Mississippi River west of Baton Rouge.
Whenever I drive, or even bicycle over the Amite on the Florida Blvd bridge I'm always looking to see if anyone is fishing or boating below and more times than not I do see people down there. Usually fishing off the sand banks but I have seen boats. A little hard to tell exactly what because the speed limit is 55 mph or thereabouts.
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