A lot of the cooking I do ( solo) is over a fire , the same when the guys are along , most of the chow is done over a fire.
A stove is a blessing if you are stuck in the tent when it is raining or under a tarp and want something hot to eat. The rest of the time is when there is a burning ban on and you have to use a stove and not an open fire. Or just plain lazy and want a hot meal , quick and easy , the stove wins and for me it is the alcohol burner. A simple , effective and quick way to have a hot meal.
Whatever you do , don't have a open fire on a wood chickeee or you will be sleeping in the canoe. :lol: :lol: :lol: Not to mention a lot of ticked off Rangers looking for you.
It is quite simple to cook a steak ( or any meat ) over a fire , find a nice ( green ) palm frond , cut it and then split the end and whittle the two sections to spear points , separate ( spread them apart) them and stick a steak on them and roast it over a fire like a big flat hot dog.
PS. Two Coleman double burners , a single propane burner , , a Zip (wood ) Stove , several alcohol burners , The Israeli survival stove , and a couple of grills , plus a MSR whisper light.