Which Hennesy? | SouthernPaddler.com

Which Hennesy?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Hi guys, Which hennesy do you think might best suit kayak & canoe camping in the mosuito and midge infested Aussie sup tropics. (prbably a bit similar to the Florida area. )

What do you Florida guys use?

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

They're all bug prof; you need to select by your size & use. Go to http://www.hennessyhammock.com/ and select first for your size. Then look at use. Go to the "Model Comparison Chart" first.

The real light weight ones are meant for guys climbing mountains, and are probably not a good one for you. The Expedition Asymmetrical is the "standard" Hennessy. Unless you are too large for it, that would be a good one.

The Explorer Deluxe is for taller, larger fellows. The Safari Deluxe is for really taller, larger fellows. I'd expect that either the Expedition (what I have) or Explorer would do you fine. In either case, I recommend you opt for the hex rain fly.

I have a Scout for Katie, and she - at about 4' tall - has plenty of room in it.

HINT: Click on the "Australian Orders" button along the left side. You may be able to go see some locally. Also, he often runs specials on "seconds". I bought one for Katie and spent 20 minutes looking for the flaw after I read right where it is. Cosmetic flaw only, and not much at that.

Read through all the bullets along the left side; you'll learn a lot.

Plan on using a closed cell foam pad under your sleeping bag. It will insulate you well. I use a Ridge Rest because it folds up so nice. I started with two, 3/4 length pads, taped them together side by side with a 1" gap in between for easy folding. I then trimmed them narrow at head & feet, wide at shoulders. Scraps I re-taped together for a doormat under the opening of the hammock. Gives me something to step on getting in & out.

This pad has many other uses. Kneel on it when loading & unloading up under the decks of a kayak or decked canoe. sit or lay on it in camp, up against a tree or log. Kneel on it while cooking or washing up. Lay it in the bottom of your boat for a kneeling pad while paddling rough water.

And, welcome to the most comfortable nights sleep you'll ever have.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

As one of the Florida guy's ( I guess we will make Jack an ornery or is that honorary Floridian also)

When I got mine I called Tom and asked him which would be the best for me. I explained that I wanted one that I could keep my backpack in at night when out camping. The idea was to keep critters out of it and to keep it dry in case of rain.

Tom suggested The Safari Deluxe which I got. Which ever one you decide on make sure you get the HEX FLY with it.

Here is a picture of Joe's Explorer with the standard fly and mine is to the right of his with the hex fly. If you will notice it covers more of the hammock and even offers a place to sit under in the rain , it is basically a 12 x 12 tarp made for the hammock.
Tom even has pockets sewn into the corners to keep the tie down lines in when it is packed up.


Here is a better shot of the hex fly. The sides can be lowered or raised depending on where you want then and what you tie them off to.



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Hi Jack,

I am leaning towards an explorer delux with hex tarp.

Robin and I are heading down to Brisbane in April and there just happens to be a Hennessy dealer there. :D Will definately be calling in to check them out.

Will send them an email in the next couple of days to see what is available.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
I have had the Explorer for a few years now and it has been fantastic. Ample room to get a great nights sleep. I did find it a tad crowded when I put my zero degree sleeping bag into it. I also found it a tad crowded when really trying to get a good stretch in the thing. Still a great hammock and a good nights sleep. Well, last Thursday my HH Safari arrived. WOW! If the Explorer was the Motel 6 of Hammocks, this Safari is the Ritz-Carlton! I now can bring a small bag into the thing, have a battery lamp and book for reading, and a great place to relax if the weather turns sour for a day. Don't get me wrong the Explorer is great, but the Safari is fantastic!
One thing I will mention about the Explorer, get the bigger tarp option. In blowing rain you do have a chance of gettong some drops on you with the smaller fly. I never have gotten soaked in the thing, but I have felt some rain blowing thru. No matter what HH you select, you can't go wrong for a good nights sleep.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The only thing my HH Safari Hammock does not have is room service but that is the way things go. But as Tom told me I can put my backpack up at the head of it and still have plenty of room for myself.

"O" , When I was talking with Tom I asked if there was one that I could put myself and my backpack ( Medium size) in at night , he suggested the Safari , which I got.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Wannabe said:
Hi Chuck
Would the big one you got hold a guy 6'5'' and 230lbs? Sounds a lot better than sleeping on sticks and stones.

I ain't Chuckles....I'm better looking than that! :roll: But you shouldn't have a problem with the Safari. Pricey.....but what is a good night sleep worth to you out in the wild? Go to the web site and do some window shopping.


As we all age....a good nights sleep means alot. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Wannabe said:
Hi Chuck
Would the big one you got hold a guy 6'5'' and 230lbs? Sounds a lot better than sleeping on sticks and stones.

No Problem , the Safari will hold 350 pounds and is the only one Tom has that will work for two people.
As Yak said , check it out and if you have some questions call and talk with Tom or Ann.
Tell them you saw it on here ...... Oldsparkeys Southernpaddler , with any luck they will not hang up on you , since we are in there links section. :lol:



New Member
May 24, 2007
Toronto, Canada
Will Hennesey substitute a hex fly for the difference in price over the smaller one, so it isn't necessary to buy two?

Here in Canada we tend to get a LOT of mosquitos so can anyone comment on the relative "bite-throughability" of the fabric used in each version? ie. if you were laying directly on the fabric (I realize a sleeping bag plus thermarest, foam or underquilt is needed for cooler temperatures). Their website wasn't clear on this and one retailer's site mentioned the ultra-light hammock fabric is a tighter weave than the expedition.

Nice forum btw.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
robertm said:
Will Hennesey substitute a hex fly for the difference in price over the smaller one, so it isn't necessary to buy two?

Bob......I believe that to be a true statement. They are wonderful people, they will work with you....just ask! You will not regret a HH!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Florida is skitter central , we have some the size of sea gulls and so far none have gotten me thru the bottom of my hammock. I do put a light weight blanket to lay on in the summer and a foam mattress and bag in the winter.

Even in the warmer weather you might want a thin blanket because of your weight compressing it and since you are in the air there is no insulation under you and it can get cool in there from the wrap around ventilation.

The only time I have been bitten is when a body part is against the netting on either side so to stop that I push part of the blanket up there and hold it in place with a arm while sleeping.

I have the Safari Deluxe but what you might want to do it call them and talk to either Tom or Ann and follow there recommendations. I am pretty sure they will substitute rain flies for you.

PS. You could tell them you are with Oldsparkeys southernpaddler


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
oldsparkey said:
PS. You could tell them you are with Oldsparkeys southernpaddler

Yeah.....Tell them you know Chuck. Watch the price go up! :roll: