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What do you think ?

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
WOW with 43 views and all the opinions on here, only one reply ?.

Perhaps there is a serious malady affecting the typing finger of geezers. :mrgreen:

P.S> Jackus Cracklekneeus, I ain't too worried bout the rapids. Was just courious as to the class.

I meown self thought them a 2.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
a Bald Cypress said:
Hummm, It could go 3, 4, or 5 depending on the libation of choice beer =3, wine =4 or Jack Black = a 5 or 6 depending on the amount ingested. :shock:
Nope, they start out Class IV, and that's with just white wine or water. Single malt would raise'em to CLASS VII or VIII. Two shots of single malt and a seegar would rate a CLASS VIII.1

You're getting either soft or honest in your old age, Dick. Neither one looks good on ya. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
A class one looks like a class 4 to me when paddling so you do the math on the rest , not for me , Thank You.

This ole boy will stay with the nice southern gentlemen style of water we have down south , you know the ones that are fun to paddle and float down while just enjoying life , no panic factor. :D



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Chuck, I know you. Your favorite water is in a red, white, and blue can sold by Budweiser. :wink: It has other components mixed in with it. That stuff gives me CLASS VI headaches sometimes.

That ONLY comes after the hard day of paddling down a nice quiet river when camp is set up. Yep it is hard to paddle down a quiet river , taking pictures , no panic about worrying about rapids and looking forward to a relaxing time in camp. Just something I can live with , any day.

Besides everyone needs there vitamins and those cans are full of vitamin "P" which is good for you. Besides they have all the nutation a person needs , like a loaf of bread ... Malt , Barley , Hops , Rice , Yeast , Water and some good flavor , especially when cold. A complete food when taken in respectable but not over indulgent amounts. :wink:

If the supply maxes out then a good Southern Sour Mash over some ice or even without the ice does a nice job of filling in for them. :D :D



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
When paddling and on the water the best thing is nothing more then plain old fashion water , in the summer time some water with the instant Gator Aid mix in it , Orange Flavored , or just some bottled Gator Aid. If you don't like that then the water jug filled and with a lime or lemon wedge in it to give it a boost.

Heck the lemon or lime wedge in the water jug is a blessing , I had a good chunk of a Key Lime in mine while on this last trip. It is refreshing and tastes dam good. The guys used them with there rum during the evenings and I snitched a chunk from them for during the day. :wink: We had plenty of Limes , even enough to use on the fish we cooked with the Everglades seasoning. :D

Sitting around the camp in the evening it was a mix of some coke and bourbon for me , now and then I did have a splash of rum , have to fight scurvy ya know. Got to stay healthy.

John always had a tumbler of White tea in it with two thermoses of tea to add to his glass since he does not partake in anything with alcohol in it. Can't say I blame him.

Ya never see him without that insulated tumbler of the Tea with him.

It was a couple of cups of the Constant Comment Tea for me in the mornings at camp I like the clove and orange spices they have in it .... I go threw about a 1/2 gallon of it at home everyday. All of us have our ideas on the different tea that we like. :D