What do I need? | SouthernPaddler.com

What do I need?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Land O Lakes,Florida
I want to order the materials I will need to build my boat but I am not quite sure how much of what to buy.

epoxy-how much
Fiberglass cloth-size/weight??

Should I just call Raka? Will they know what I need for a pirogue?

I feel stupid asking such a question that is probably very simple for most here but this will be my first attempt at this. :?


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
redfisher said:
I feel stupid asking such a question
Friend redfisher,

Feel stupid only if ya dont ask. Ever now 'n then someone asks a question they think iz dumb. Mebbe some other folks think it iz dumb....at first. Then somebody takes it a step farther. Purty soon everbody learns somethin'.


I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
Judging from what I used on my somewhat larger Uncle John's Pirogue, the info he provides on his web site sounds right. Take a look at the FAQ link on his Pirogue page. That FAQ covers quite a few things, such as adding that 4th rib, making the boat wider, longer, or the sides higher.

He's talking about the 1.5 gallon epoxy kit, which is a gallon of the resin and 1/2 gal each of the fast and slow hardener. I found I got the best results by mixing the two hardeners together, 50-50.

If you glass cloth inside and out, there's no real need for the fg tape.

Also on that FAQ, you'll see "wood flour." I'd get a pound of that, it comes in handy.

Don't forget to look at the "Epoxy Manual" on Raka's web site. There's some good info on getting the most out of the epoxy, some little things you can do to ensure a good bond, every time.

If you should run short of epoxy, the have some smaller epoxy kits to get you through the build. And they do ship FAST!

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
FlaMike hit the nail on the head but if you call Raka (Larry) and ask him he will know , he has built a Uncle Johns Pirogue.
Plus Larry offers a 5% discount with a order for building a Uncle Johns or JEM Watercraft boat. ( Anyway he did the last time I placed an order with him)

PS. The 50-50 mix (you have to mix it) works really well here in Florida.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Land O Lakes,Florida
I ordered my materials today from Raka.
I got my kit/plans in a few days ago.
I put the ribs together and ripped the plywood today. I would have prepped the scarf joints but it started to rain. :(
I am really looking forward to getting this going. :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Land O Lakes,Florida
Already got a name picked out and everything. Dog Paddlin'
I think it fits since I was looking for a boat that I could paddle with my pup when I decided to build a pirogue.
I doubt I will get rid of my SOT kayak anytime soon. I don't think the pirogue would make a good tarpon fishing boat. :shock:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I like that name. I hope you have better judgement than to take you wife for a ride in it.

I told my late wife that, "I named the canoe after you."
"OOHHHH you did??!!" She ran outside, all excited. There, on the lawn, was the canoe. On the side is the name "AFTER YOU"

I healed in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Speaking of dogs, a friend of mini in Arkansaw sent me a vedio of a dog that had 2 legs amputated (both on the same side) and this little sucker was running and jumping all over the place. Amazing.
If I forward the vedio to you, would you be able to put it on here for the guys to see. I guess nobody told this brave little dog that he wasn't supposed to be able to do that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Land O Lakes,Florida
Upload your video to Photobucket.com and just post a link. I would love to see that. if you're lost, e-mail it to me and I'll try to post it for you.

BTW-I think I'll start a thread for my pirogue build.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
Welcome redfisher! I severely love your avatar 8)

Build it and they will paddle!
Either way your pup is going for a ride. Please post a pic of the paddlin dog. We like the occasional oddity or even the normality. I think the p-row is a good choice and would suggest makin it even longer if you have the space. The 4th rib is a very good choice as well!
Carry on Sir!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Thanks Bear,
That was the one I was talking about. Ya gotta love the spunk. Course he probally didn't have anybody around to tell him that that was impossible. Gotta love him.
Thanks, Bob