West Texas Sunrise/Sunset | SouthernPaddler.com

West Texas Sunrise/Sunset


Dec 21, 2007
Denton, TX
I know a professional coulda done a lot more with these, but during spring break recently we bookended one of our side trips with the most gorgeous west texas sunrise across an immensely wide horizon and a sunset dipping behind the davis mountains

Good morning...

and good night...

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Both are just as pretty as if they had been taken over Lake Michigan! :lol: Did you have bad weather on the day of that sunrise?

BTW - what were you doing up so early you could see the sun come up? I hate to have to get up in the dark just so's I can sneak up on a day.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Dave - "Pay no attention to the old man behind the screen." He heard a Canadian lynx that follows me around when I camp. It is a ventriloquist. It fooled Ron (Texas River rat) on the Brazos too. Highly skilled.

I enjoy early morning quiet too. I camp where it's still there about 08:00. I don't have to sneak up on it in the dark. And to keep it even quieter, I make my tea the night before during supper, and have it in a thermos.

Sunsets are just as pretty as sunrises, and come at a more convenient time of day.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Jeremy,

I am workin' my way up the forum....tryin' ta catch up. Folks like you who post such purty pichurs make it mitey danged hard. :wink:


ps Thanks fer sharin'. How far are them moutains frum Amarillo?

Roscoe: Howdy, my name’s Roscoe Brown. Is this Texas? I’m frum Arkansaw.
Ole Sam: Got any whiskey?
Roscoe: Yes sir, I got a bottle rite here in my poke. I’d be glad ta share it with you. Havin’ possum for yer supper are ya?
Ole Sam: Yeah, but you aint.