Sounds like a bad mix ratio to me.
Not sure what brand epoxy you are using, but some come with pumps that you have to add little spacers to to control the volume of one stroke of the pump. Different spacers for 2:1, 3:1, 4:1 etc.....Do you have spacers added?
Some epoxies come with pre-calibrated pumps for the epoxy you ordered. If this is your case then the only way to mess it up would be to put the wrong pump in the wrong jug, (it's been down before

). But then you would be adding more hardener than resin and it would be kicking off sooner rather than not at all.
Make sure you are mixing the epoxy & resin together VERY thoroughly. Some suggest 1 minute of mixing per pump of resin. If you are adding a filler (wood flour, cabosil..) mix the epoxy & resin together before adding any filler.
Another thing you could do before mixing up your new test batch, is put one pump of resin & hardener in separate clear cups and visually compare them to see if it looks like 2 parts resin to 1 part hardener. There are threads in both Chuck's forum and over on Matt's site that detail how to make up an accurate measuring system by placing a clear mix cup inside another clear cup and making a mark on the outside of the outer cup of the volume.
Def get rid of the Styrofoam cups. I like to use the 9oz clear party cups. I buy from SAM's or BJ's, container of 200 for about $7. I also keep used mix cups around, to use as a gauge, if the slag in the mix cup is cured, so did the stuff I put on the boat.
Good luck with the tests.