Variety on the Brazos |

Variety on the Brazos

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
Darrell and I had planned a 3 day 2 night trip on the river. We met up Friday after lunch unloaded and headed down,the river was as low as it gets and we did a lot of bottom bumping and and a few drags to get the 7 miles down stream. We saw ducks cranes and eagles but the four legged variety of critters was strangely absent the whole weekend ,no hogs yots deer coon or beavers. Something that was a little strange ,there were 6 in mullet jumping everywhere.
After setting up camp and seining some bait we started wetting a hook.Built a big fire ,put on some steaks and potatoes then broke out the red solo cups and mixed a few drinks,we had a blast but the fishing was slow.
The next morning the fishing picked up a little ,nothing wild just slow and steady.Broke out the chili and chips and had a frito pie at lunch ,that was perfect on a cool day.
The fishing was weird ,90% of the fish came from one spot about 20 yards wide ,you couldnt buy a bite anywhere else.
We did catch a variety ,channels ,yellows , gasper bass
fish gar,turtles.and something unusual for this part of the river some perch .30 plus fish caught
Sat night rolled around and we mixed a couple dogs shot the bull mixed a couple more etc and finaly just rolled the lines in and enjoyed the company and the fire
Sondra had fixed a big pot of taco soup and we chowed down on that and just enjoyed the night. Hit the sack and around three we both heard the fish flouncing on the stringer. The next morning it was gone Darrel later found it with just the two biggest yellows still on it ,must have been a big gator gar from the sign.
Sunday we headed back up river and as we got close to the Falls Kim comes walking down. He help us get all the gear and Boats up and loaded. ( thanks for the help Kim)
No pics from me this trip my camera died , but summing up the trip staying in one spot for multiple days sure is nice . Darrell wore me out again he caught 90% of the fish. I will say this was my most enjoyable river camping trip I have ever been on ,weather was perfect.
Maybe Darrell will have some pics


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2008
I was glad to get to the River Friday as I had a very stressful week. I really did not care wether I caught any fish or not. This was just a get away trip. The River is as low as I have ever seen it (as a matter of fact I peeled a piece of fiberglass off of the bottom of my boat going down Friday. I already have it repaired).


As usual we carried everything except the kitchen sink.



We paddled down about seven miles and found a nice place to camp for the weekend.


The Full Moon was nice this weekend. You really did not even need a lantern.


We always eat good out on the River and this trip was no exception. Friday night was out usual Steak and baked potato (sorry no pics) and for Saturday night Sondra had made us a big bowl of Taco Soup which was most excellent.



We did catch a lot of fish this weekend just none to write Home about. The yellow cat must have had a great spawn because we caught five without ever moving. They were all about 18"-22". Same thing for the Channel cats a lot of small fish this weekend.

Saturday night Ron or myself really felt like fishing so we just kept adding wood to the fire and drinks in our cups. It was really nice to just kick back and shoot the breeze with our feet proped up.


It's getting bigger.


This is the Life.


We awoke Sunday morning to a little more water in the River which made the paddle back upstream easier (believe it or not). Took our time loading up and paddling back to the take out. I had a really relaxing weekend and can't wait to do it again. I usually work very hard to catch fish but it was nice to not really give a dang this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Man that river was sure low , from looking at all those rocks it is surprising you did not do more damage to the boats. Especially with the load you had in them.
The Taco Soup sure looks good and I would suggest that you take a bigger pot the next time it looks like that one is filled up to the bream with the soup. Stick a spoon in it and it would overflow , I am guessing that is why some was spilled. :lol:

I will not swear to it but it appears that those red cups are a paddling and camping tradition , we always have a good supply of them with us but they are filled with coke with rum or bourbon sometimes even grapefruit juice and vodka.

You picked a good weekend , the moon was nice and full , over here it lite up everything like a streetlight on steroids. One of those nights when you had to have sunglasses on to sleep.



Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2011
I need to lead by example on posting maps in trip reports. That Brazos is a loooong river, and I can't visualise what part you're on.

Darrell, thanks for the picture of the low shoal. Texas seems to have had the worst drought, but we haven't been much better off in Georgia. Big fires in Okefenokee. We've gotten some rain in north and central Georgia recently, though I notice the gulf coast in FL and AL is still pretty dry. Pray for rain. :mrgreen: