Two more photos loaded. |

Two more photos loaded.

Thanks. I'm affraid that portraits are what I really do most, but I have lots of things that I enjoy phographing. Don't really have a macro setup, and all of those shots are handheld. I'm sure that they would look better with the tripod, but it is so cumbersome that it is just never handy.

I sold my other camera and now I'm down to just the one. It is the Canon EOS 400D, which is better known stateside as the XTi. Most commonly used lenses are the 85mm f1.8, and the 70-200mm f4L IS.

What would you like to know? I'll do my best to explain what I can. The rest I'll stumble through. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Keith,

I like a purty gal in a landscape pichur. My ole pal Chester the Molester took a heap a landscape pichurs on the Spring River over in Arkansaw.....with a heap a young gals in 'em. It aint a place ta take the little pardners no more....least not on a weekend 'er a holiday, but a good place ta wear a helmet camera like Chester. Look at the landscapes in Spring '04 'n Spring '05.


How soon we forget history. Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. A government is like fire, a handy servant, but a dangerous master. George Washington


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Thanks Keith,

I am not sure exactly what to ask.

I am a point and shoot sort of bloke and occassionally (very) one or two turn out OK.

My wife, on the other hand, is a real shutterbug. She recently bought a Pentax SLR and when I showed her your macro shots she was just gob- smacked. This is the result she has been trying to achieve.

Am thinking of buying her one for Christmas but I don't know what to ask for and what sort of lenses etc. I think your set up or something like it would do her nicely.

I suspect her Pentax would do the job very well too but for Robin, Cameras are like shoes for some other women. At least if I get her something else, she might hand me down her Pentax. 8)
Good thinking there!

Well, I'm not set up for true macro work either, but you can still get some fine close ups like I do with a standard lens. She'll want to get a small aperature like f10 or f16. The reason is because regular lenses can't get close enough to the subject and it will be hard to tell if front-to-back depth of field is focused right and the smaller aperature gives you more leeway for error. That will demand a longer shutter speed though, and will need a tripod unless using a flash. With flash, it won't matter, as it will freeze most motion, but the lighting effect may or may not be desirable. Have to shoot it and see on case by case scenerio. There is usually a "macro" cheater setting on most cameras, and all this does is what I just recommended. You get more options by doing it yourself though. Again, with true macro lenses you can get within less than in inch of subject sometimes. With mine, I have to get about eitht feet away. Still doable but I fired seven shots to get the one of the mantis right, and it is still not perfect. Does that help at all? If you have more questions, feel free, and I'll answer back when I can.

Off-topic, but I just loaded the first five of the shoot with Heather. More to follow when I get back. We live in the sticks with horrid cell reception and no internet access that I know of, but I will work on them when I get back. These are a little different, but Whatcha think?







Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Thanks mate,

That helps a lot. :D

Off-topic, but I just loaded the first five of the shoot with Heather. More to follow when I get back. We live in the sticks with horrid cell reception and no internet access that I know of, but I will work on them when I get back. These are a little different, but Whatcha think?

Beautiful mate. Gorgeous.

The piccies aren't real bad either. :D

Has she got a sister? :D