Friend WadeT,
Now that I got that hall monitor stuff off my chest, I feel better. When ya put bigger pichurs on here, ya kin run a test with yer "edit" botton. Post a message with a bigger pichur 'n hit "submit". Then look at it. If it iz too big, look in the upper right hand side of the post 'n hit "edit". Ya kin "delete" yer pichur 'n try agin.....til ya git it the rite size. Dont fergit that a heap a geezers hang out here. Even with spectacles some of us caint see too good.
When I git round to it I aim ta run a poll on who haz high speed 'n who haz dial up. Folks that had high speed fer years likely fergot how slow dial up iz. Now, it dont matter if ya got high speed if yer pichur iz 600kb. Nobody likes ta scroll fer miles ta git ta the end of the pichur. :mrgreen:
I reckon ya know how to do this, but if ya aint sho, jest use that "edit" button til ya git it like ya want. Good luck. I wanna see that rack myownself.
ps When somebody posts a giant pichur, the High Sheriff haz ta go unlock the gizmo 'n turn the whatchamacallit over so he kin shrink the picture down ta dial up size. I kin see how that would git old fast. If he does good this year, we mite give him a they do on Wall Street.....mebbe 2x hiz reglar salary......'er git him a magic pichur shrinkin' wand? :mrgreen:
I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde