Tortilla Stuffers |

Tortilla Stuffers

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Roaming through the "Ethnic Food Section" of our local grocery store yesterday, and found something new (to me) - "Old El Paso Tortilla Stuffers". In a tough, yellow, plastic pouch about 4" X 6", it contains seasoned rice, chicken (or beef), corn, & peppers. You heat it (nuke it at home, in a pot of hot water in camp), and plop the filling into a couple of tortillas. This would feed one hungry paddler, or two if a cabbage salad is added to a meal. $3.45 here.
This, a few cans of white chicken meat, and some dehydrated hamburg could suffice for meat on a week-long excursion. I carry a few tortillas as bread in camp.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
About once every two years, it pays to roll the food aisles looking for food in the "useful in camping" department. When tuna came out in foil packs, I thought it would be useful camping. Turns out, no matter how you pack it, tuna still tastes disgusting. I haven't tried this stuff yet - always test it at home so I have a handy back up in case the test fails - but I'd be willing to bet 100:1 that it will be satisfactory.
The small boxes of Zatarain's rice mixes are darned good too. But, it's difficult to find meat (real meat, not by-products swept up off the floor) that's easy to carry camping and is tasty.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I had to run to the store to pick up some prescriptions and then went looked for the tortilla stuffer's.
The Mexican section has those Old El Paso suffers in it , three variety's , one Beef , Mesquite chicken and a chicken and garlic one. According to the ingredients listed on them they have everything already in them , no need to add anything. Well maybe some hot sauce.
Believe it or not , they are right next to the Tortillas. :roll:

They have the microwave instructions for heating them but they should be able to heated in a pot over a fire if you add just a little water. Sort or like the Uncle Ben's 90 second rice when it is not being microwaved.

I have tried the bag tuna but prefer the canned in olive oil for snacks with some Ritz Crackers. They do have some tuna mixes that are quite good.

One thing I like to do and that is to go in there and see what they have for camping supplies and it is amassing what a person can find by doing some snooping around. On the average it is a safe bet for me to say that I am there at lease 4 days a week after something. He!! all the managers and store personnel know me by name. :lol: