Disgusting. I have an idea that the Republicans ought to bombard the Democrats with on a daily basis. Convert dollars spent (wasted?) on the President's trips into a unit of measure called a DV (doctor's visit) or Deev. One Deev would be equivalent to one average doctor's visit of , let's say, $80.00. For every 1 million dollars spent on a useless or frivolous trip by the President or First Lady that would be 12,500 Deevs or 12,500 people that could have seen a doctor. Two million dollars wasted would be 25,000 Deevs and that would allow 12,500 people to see a doctor AND get a bit of medicine for their ailment.
If the President's trip cost 100 million dollars, that's 1,250,000 people that could have gotten medical help!!!! Put in those terms, I'm sure the average American would soon grasp that the Democrats are not about giving people health care.
PS: My wife informed me that my figure for a doctor's visit should be about $130 or so. Still, a lot of people could get medical help with the money wasted by the President.