Things are getting out of hand , BIG TIME | Page 2 |

Things are getting out of hand , BIG TIME


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Town Hall meetings have been reminding me of this guy.....BRAVE!!!! We are in fact looking at the face of tyranny.I don't know if the America we know and love can survive 3+ more years. Hello to the new Amerika :(

Tiananmen Square....June, 1989
In the wake of a bloody crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators, one solitary man defied the awesome power of the Chinese state.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
oldyaker said:
Heard this morning........"White House adviser Ezekiel Emmanuel wants to do away with the doctors Hippocratic Oath. The Hippocratic Oath is used by Doctors to extract more money from the system."
Well excuse me! Keeping mom alive for a few more years uses up too much money???!!! See where this health non-care bill is going?

Your so right Chuckles.....OUT OF HAND BIG TIME!

Here's more on the subject. Check out who this guy is related to. :x ... other.html


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day guys,

i have been asked to wade in here so I will try to explain Australias "Communist", public health care system -it level of success or otherwise and what the results are now.

I don't know very much about what obama is trying to achieve in your country but somebody here said they think a lot of it is smoke and mirrors and I think he is right.

Queensland pioneered publicly funded health care in this country. It was introduced into this state by the great conservative leader, Sir Joh Bjelke Petersen in the early 1960's. This man is still being demonized (in his grave) by the leftistas with all sorts of allegations of corruption etc that were never proved. (another story well worthy of another rant) I was privelidged to know Sir Joh, his wife Florence and their family well. I can say without any doubt he was a good Christian man of the highest morals and integrity.

Back to my story. At the time, Queensland was a backwater in Australia, few jobs, little industry and very little opportunity.
Sir Joh came along, introduced reforms that encouraged mining exploration, industry, tourism and transport systems and opened up our vast interior. He said all along that the wealth was in the ground and he was correct.

Part of his plan, with this state being so backward, also inluded an OPTIONAL public health care system. There were public Hospitals and private hospitals. This system worked along side of the private sector and was there as a safety net for the less fortunate and for emergencies etc. It worked very well and made Queensland a very attractve proposition for our southern geezers to retire to - not only warm mild winters but FREE HEALTH CARE in their retirement years. Consequently, they moved here, with their money in droves . Queensland boomed even more.

Our southern states saw what was happening here and hated it.

more to come n a sec


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
In 1972, in our national election, the great traitor Gough Whitlam came to power for the leftistas on a promised platform of "change" not unlike what you have just experienced in America. Part of the "change" was a universal health care system that he called Medicare and it was to be loosely based on the Queensland model but because federal law overrides state law here, the federal version gobbled up ours.

A huge beaurocracy was created to "manage" this new system and hundreds of thousands of jobs were created that did't actually do anything. I think there are more public servants employed in Medicare now than there are health care professionals looking after us.

There are still the private and public sectors working along side of each other, and in theory, assisting each other but the truth is that our government is now actively encouraging us to have private health insurance. Our public system is in crisis and getting worse every day. People are dying unnecessarily because of the long waiting lists - every day and no one is accountable for it.

The question, I think was "how does it work in Australia?"

The short answer is that It doesn't.


Well-Known Member
When the government bought in it's medi-care levy , we had private health insurance , the levy was about the same as we were paying in insurance and we couldn't afford both so we had to drop the private insurance , one good thing with the gov health care is if you are in a big city then you will be able to get into see a doctor with in a day or two and you won't need cash , with luck you may even get one who speaks a little English and if you are even luckier you will get one who actually finished medical school , it may have been from a correspondence school in Calcutta but that is better than the forged qualifications some of them have , and if you are very lucky you will get one who knows the difference between Prednisone and Polaramine , of course if you live in a small town away from the big cities you are shit out of luck and if you don't live in a capital city then seeing a specialist is a problem ,

Remember how at the start of the year I said I was waiting to see a specialist for my back , well I'm still waiting , they can't even give me a time yet



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Another viewpoint. My nephew married a girl from Newfoundland a few years back. She had come to LSU in Louisiana for a nursing degree. After she graduated, she and my nephew moved to Florida and she worked in a large hospital there. After a few years , she got homesick and convinced my nephew to move back to Newfoundland. She was able to get a good nursing job in a state of the art hospital there. She was dumbfounded at the antiquated test equipment, the unavailbability of the more expensive(but effective) medicines, and the waits for tests and procedures. Same type of government health care as Obama is proposing. Long story short- she put up with it for a couple of years and they moved back the Florida.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2009
According to my better half, who is a long-time nurse, the system down here is replete with Canadian nurses who took traveling jobs down this way to escape the Canadian national system. More money, less government BS.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
So, you guys are saying that a private, for profit organization is better at running a business than the government??!! Now, THAT'S news.

After having grown up working in a small, family business, and then working 33 years for governments, I agree. Governments don't HAVE to be inefficient. Problem is they are rife with politicians. Politicians are to an efficient government, as bacteria are to an open sore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Efficient Guv'mint is an example of an oxymoron.....As I watch town hall meetings this morning, I see people fed up with a Prez who took 6 months to find the right dog for his family but wants to push through a health care bill that he didn't even read in 3 weeks! Much like the Porkulis Bill he pushed through that stuffed Acorns pockets. The citizens protesting at these town hall meetings know if this health non care package is passed, it will never go away no matter how bad it is managed. A Government program never goes away. The politicians trying to ram this through now call the people protesting right wing extremists. I guess George Washington, Nathan Hale and the others were extremist as well, trying to get out from underneath a heavy handed Government. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Had this on the news this morning , I found a copy of it on CNN's web site and here it is.
Eugene, Ore., Jun 6, 2008 / 01:09 am (CNA).- An Oregon woman suffering from lung cancer was notified by the state-run Oregon Health Plan that their policy would not cover her life-extending cancer drug, telling her the health plan would cover doctor-assisted suicide instead.

Barbara Wagener discovered her lung cancer had recurred last month, the Register-Guard said. Her oncologist prescribed a drug called Tarceva, which could slow the cancer growth and extend her life.

The Oregon Health Plan notified Wagner that it would not cover the drug, but it would cover palliative care, which it said included assisted suicide.

“Treatment of advanced cancer that is meant to prolong life, or change the course of this disease, is not a covered benefit of the Oregon Health Plan,” said the letter Wagner received from LIPA, the Eugene company that administers the Oregon Health Plan in Lane County.

“I think it’s messed up,” Wagner said. She said she was particularly upset because the letter said doctor-assisted suicide would be covered.

“To say to someone, we’ll pay for you to die, but not pay for you to live, it’s cruel,” she said. “I get angry. Who do they think they are?”

A doctor appealed to Genentech, the company that markets Tarceva in the U.S., to cover Wagner’s medication. On Monday Wagner was told the company would cover the drug treatment for a year, after which she could re-apply for the drug.

“I am just so thrilled,” Wagner said. “I am so relieved and so happy.”

According to the Register-Guard, Oregon oncologists say they have seen a change in state health policy, saying their Oregon Health Plan patients with advanced cancer are no longer covered for chemotherapy if it is considered comfort care.

“It doesn’t adhere to the standards of care set out in the oncology community,” said Dr. John Caton, an oncologist at Willamette Valley Cancer Center. He said many studies have found that chemotherapy in a palliative setting decreases pain and time spent in the hospital and increases quality of life.

Officials of LIPA and the state Health Services Commission, which sets policy for the Oregon Health Plan, say they have not changed their coverage of recurrent cancer patients, but have only clarified the rules.

Guess what will be happening if the Government gets there way. :twisted:

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
Just how long do y'all think it will be until there is a "maximum allowable life limit"

I am reminded of one of the episodes from Star Trek the Next Generation in which once you had reached 45 years of age you were eliminated.

Can't remember the name of it but Trois' mother was hot after a man played by David Stires [sp] Winchester on MASH. He of course had to go home to die.

Anyhoo, looking down the road, that is what I see.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Soilient Green - remember that?

Sure do. Always thought it was fiction , well anyway back then I did. :? If you are referring to Soylent Green (1973) with Heston in the staring roll.

Which brings to mind this .................................

On AOL about Detroit and there lack of supermarkets........

DETROIT ( -- On a side street in an old industrial neighborhood, a delivery man stacks a dolly of goods outside a store. Ten feet away stands another man clad in military fatigues, combat boots and what appears to be a flak jacket. He looks straight out of Baghdad. But this isn't Iraq. It's southeast Detroit, and he's there to guard the groceries.
In this recession-racked town, the lack of food is a serious problem. It's a theme that comes up again and again in conversations in Detroit. There isn't a single major chain supermarket in the city, forcing residents to buy food from corner stores. Often less healthy and more expensive food.

Had to look it up ..... here is the link for anyone who does not remember it with all of the information. Dam good Movie



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Compliments of the Old Farte once again.....Tom from the Bluff


Democrats, realizing the success of the President's "Cash For Clunkers" rebate program, have revamped a major portion of their National Health Care Plan.

President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Sen. Reed are expected to make this major announcement at a joint news conference later this week. I have obtained an advanced copy of the proposal which is named....

"CASH FOR CODGERS" and it works like this... Couples wishing to access health care funds in order to pay for the delivery of a child will be required to turn in one old person. The amount the government grants them will be fixed according to a sliding scale. Older and more prescription dependent codgers will garner the highest amounts.

Special "Bonuses" will be paid for those submitting codgers in targeted groups, such as smokers, alcohol drinkers, persons 10 pounds over their government prescribed weight, and any member of the Republican Party.

Smaller bonuses will be given for codgers who consume beef, soda, fried foods, potato chips, lattes, whole milk, dairy products, bacon, Grits, Vienny Sausge, :wink: Brussel sprouts, or Girl Scout Cookies.

All codgers will be rendered totally useless via toxic injection. This will insure that they are not secretly resold or their body parts harvested to keep other codgers in repair.
Remember you heard it here first..


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I heard all the talk at the town hall meetings. Some of it likely iz true, I got a dollar sez some of it aint, but whether some of it iz 'n some of it aint, dont really matter. If the guviment runs it, it goes broke....stays broke....keeps deadbeats drawin' a paycheck 'n grinds down the workin' folks.

Dont put all yer worry on free healtcare fer everbody. It dont matter if they pass a law 'er not. It iz the central guviment that haz gotta be stopped. If folks caint stop it, there aint much hope fer the country.

How bout Planet of the Apes?


Freedom is not empowerment. Empowerment is what the Serbs have in Bosnia. Anybody can grab a gun and be empowered.  It's not entitlement.  An entitlement is what people on welfare get, and how free are they?  It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights--the 'right' to education, the 'right' to health care, the 'right' to food and housing.  That's not freedom, that's dependency.  Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery--hay and a barn for human cattle.  There's only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please.  And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.  P.J. O'Rourke


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
oldyaker said:
Special "Bonuses" will be paid for and any member of the Republican Party.
Now that jest dont make no sense. Why would they turn in one of their own? If they done that enuff, it mite open up the two handed game ta some conservative folks.....who kin walk the walk, not jest talk that talk.


ps I know. It wuz jest a joke. Funny too. Kinda like the joke that republicon 'n democraps iz like oil 'n vinegar, black 'n white, yin 'n yang, Cheech 'n Chong. That iz the joke they play on us.....ever two years. They must laugh at us so hard it iz a wonder more of 'em dont bust a gut.

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.  The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.  Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
bearridge said:
Freedom is not empowerment. Empowerment is what the Serbs have in Bosnia. Anybody can grab a gun and be empowered.  It's not entitlement.  An entitlement is what people on welfare get, and how free are they?  It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights--the 'right' to education, the 'right' to health care, the 'right' to food and housing.  That's not freedom, that's dependency.  Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery--hay and a barn for human cattle.  There's only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please.  And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.  P.J. O'Rourke

That was the best part of your post. I remember when P.J. O'Rourke used to write a column for Road & Track. He was funny as heck at the time.
