Ya know Chuck.....We could have used that honey boat to put his scotch in to carry out to outhouse key! :lol:
RULE #1 Paddling with Chuck....the tide will always be against your paddling direction! :roll:
Cargo for 12 Voygeurs
*six100 pound kegs of hard biscuit.
*sixty90 pound pieces. (Sewn, sealed packs of trade goods.)
*99 gal rum...(ten gal kegs)
*Two 100 pound kegs of salt pork
*Two 100 pound kegs of beans
*Two basket packs for cooking untensils and kettles
*Fifteen, 40 pound packs for fifteen voyageurs
*Blankets and matching oil skins
*One tent for bourgeois or clerk
*Guns as appropriate for the trip
*Bundle of ten foot setting poles
*Two heavily oiled red tarps for rain cover and sail
*One mast and rigging
*60 yards of rope
*Two tins of pine pitch
*One roll of waltap(spruce root)
*Spare rolls of bark
*Axe, 22 bailing sponges
* Narrow 4 foot paddles for the milieux
*Six and nine foot paddles for the lesbouts
*Two iron cooking pots
*One 100 pound keg of flour
*One 50 pound keg of sugar
*Four wooden boxes, iron strapped for medicine, instruments, valuables, glassware and cash.
***Each Voyageurcarried, six 90 lb. packs(plus his ownkit), two packs each time(tumpline only), 180lb. lift, ten minute carry or half mile, stop(pose), return, pick up two more packs, carry 1/2 mile, pose, return, pick up two more packs, carry 1/2 mile~continue to the end of the portage in this manner.
WOW! Now these were some tough guys! :shock: To think how much our canoe gear for cooking, sleeping, clothing, etc has improved and is so much lighter........These hardy souls would be shocked!