The Secret Project , a New Kayak from Jem Watercraft. | Page 3 |

The Secret Project , a New Kayak from Jem Watercraft.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Br'r Bill,

Anybody (Bear's Buddy in this case) who paddles up to a camp in the night, and asks for gritz, qualifies as a carnivorous loon. (He qualified for several other categories too, but we'll let them go for now.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The Freedom is done.... Thanks to a day long rain but we sure needed it (besides the shop is water proof , that is why it has a new roof on it :lol: ) now if it will stop raining then I can try it out down at the lake.

This is on the upper left side of the cockpit.

This one is right over the area behind the cockpit and can be seen from either side.


I told Matt there would be a lot of pictures and on his web site , I have taken 98 pictures for his use. Sorry .. that section is a secure area for new boats under construction but I have shared the good ones over here with you.

Two more when I take her out for a test spin , it will let me hit the century mark or about half the age of Jack. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

The Freedom has been wetted and paddled.

Walker her down to Lake Katherine today and went for a spin.

The stability of her is better then I thought. Getting into her (in the shallow water) she just sat there for me and I did not go swimming. Pushed off from the shore and out in the deep water she was nice and solid as I paddled along. This surprised me because I was using one of the seats I made for the pirogues and was sitting 5 inches above the bottom of the boat. I was sure she was going to object to that height but she didn't.

Going around the lake .... I would take an easy stroke on the kayak paddle and I know I was going a lot faster then a tandem canoe would be with two guys paddling like maniacs. She just drifted along, nice and easy and held a straight line for me, no corrective strokes were needed. Just going along and throwing a bow wake.

Making a turn was even easier, lean to the right, give a stroke on the right side and make a left hand turn. Just like a kayak, want to go left lean to the right, just the reverse for the right hand turn.
Sitting still and starting out, a couple easy strokes and you are under way, it is that easy. Maintain a cursing speed it just as easy about one stroke per 1 1/2 boat lengths.

As far as the wind affecting the boat ... the lake was nice and calm, some little breezes but nothing to test the boat with.

With me (200 pounds & 6-1 ) in her the water comes up to the green line next to the graphite at the center of the boat. While paddling the edge of the coaming can be used as a knee brace if a person would want to. I would suggest covering it with some foam if it is going to be used that way. One of those foam pipe insulating tubes, split and put over the wood would work great. It would be removable.

Conclusion.... This will be a fun boat to use for recreational paddling or covering a long distance if a person wanted to do some tripping down a river. She is a fast boat (if you are in a hurry) , easy to paddle (no work just easing along) , good stability (I did not go swimming and felt really safe in her) and just fun to paddle.

The Freedom is not as speedy as my Coho from Pygmy Boats but the Freedom is close to it. The comparison is the only one I can do since I have both boats.

Length................................. 15 1/2 feet
Weight................................. 40 pounds
Width at the widest portion..... 29 inches
Width of the bottom................19 inches ( flat bottom)
Highest area ..........................13 inches
Pucker factor ........................ Very low
Fun to paddle ........................ High
Cost to build ........................ Around $300.00

Length .................................. 17 1/2 feet
Weight ...................................39 pounds
Width at the widest point ..........23 inches
Width at the bottom ................ Rounded not flat
Highest area .......................... 12 inches
Pucker factor ......................... Plenty.
Fun to paddle ......................... High
Cost to build .......................... Around $1,000.00



Well-Known Member
Great report Chuck.

The Freedom line is next after the Okwata is up and running.

If you happen to get her out in some windy, choppy conditions, would love to hear about it. I'm guessing it will do "OK", but not fantastic, in those conditions. I bet she's plenty stable when leaning over. I'm hoping the lean-over feel is very predictable and not a sudden roll.

I'm guessing the wind would push her around a little. Not as bad as an open canoe, but won't hold a path as well as a sea kayak.

She's intended for recreational paddling. So that means mostly calm waters but can do ok if it gets a little bumpy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
JEM said:
I bet she's plenty stable when leaning over. I'm hoping the lean-over feel is very predictable and not a sudden roll.

She's intended for recreational paddling. So that means mostly calm waters but can do ok if it gets a little bumpy.

For recreational paddling she will be one darn good boat, that includes taking camping gear with her. That is the next thing I have to try her out on.
I am betting when she is loaded down she will be even better, a little weight does help.
I built her with about 1/2 inch of rocker (Less rocker less draft) because I was thinking of the heavier items in the aft area when camping so it will bring the bow up more then when she is empty like today. I like a boat loaded, slightly heavier in the stern then the in bow when out camping.

To lean her over you have to lean your body, she is nice and solid unlike my kayak which if you sneeze you roll from one side or the other.
Two different boats for two different types of fun and both will do an exceptional job for what they are made for.

For me, paddling, having fun on the water and camping or as they call it today, touring. She would be a good boat for someone working , after they get off work , drop it in a lake and paddle for a while to relax , have some freedom from stress and worries , then load up and go home. ( I have a friend who does that , people think that his vehicle came with the boat attached to the top of it. )



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I tried the boat with one of the seats I designed for the Pirogues and decided a lower version would be better. So I am making one .... It is only 2 1/2 inches high sloping to the back at 2 inches. There will not be any backrest because I found something I have to try. The sitback chair with 2 inches of foam in the seat. It is designed to fit over a seat in a canoe so this is why I am making a base for it plus this will keep me up off the floor and any water that might get into the cockpit area. (wet feet getting in and out).


2 inches of foam in the seat .... that has to be nice to sit on while paddling. :D



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The boat was really stable when I was in it with the seat at 5 1/2 inches. The problem I had was my legs were hitting the sides of the coaming , this way they should be under it and it does drop the center of gravity. Two plusses for the price of one. :D

The thing that appeals to me is the 2 inches of foam in the seat, when my rear end is happy then I am happy.

If it works as good as I think it will then I might trash the seat Pygmy gives folks when they build one of there boats and use this setup in it. After about an hour of paddling the Coho .. I have to stand up or get out and walk around. It is NOT the boat it is that seat or what they call a seat. These old bones sure don't like it for an extended time.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
JEM said:
Chuck are you installing a real low bench seat to strap this too?

I am making one .... It is only 2 1/2 inches high sloping to the back at 2 inches and is 16 inches by 16 inches the same size as the cushion or seat portion of the chair.

There will not be any backrest because I plan on using the chair in the above post and it has a backrest. The chair will be attached (Strapped) to it the same way a person would do in a canoe.

You could call it a bench seat or a platform to attach the chair to and get me up off the bottom of the boat. It will not be attached to the boat but be removeable.

It is just me thinking outside of the box ... again. :roll:
When the chair gets here I will post some pictures on here.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
oldsparkey said:
... If it works as good as I think it will then I might trash the seat Pygmy gives folks ...
If you want to get rid of it, I'll take it. But - before you get rid of it, here's what I found that helped me.

I used to let the seat pad inflate, then puff an extra bit of air into it. WRONG! Now, I let it inflate, the press my fist into the center of it to exhaust some air. Only then do I turn the valve to seal it off. Softer seat, wider coverage, lower pounds per square inch (PSI) on important body parts, less numbness, more comfort.

But if you want to get rid of it, I'll oblige you by taking the wretched device off your hands.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
I have two of the identical sitbackers I got at Gander Mountain Chuck. I use them when I take the Mizzus fishing down a slow river. She really likes it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
As I promised ... here are a couple pictures of what I am making for the seat when it gets here. It is not done ..... just being epoxyed together at this time , more sanding and shaping to do when the epoxy dries.

A look from the top and as you will notice I only use the best equipment money can purchase when epoxying parts together. :lol:

As you can see it is not really high ... 2 inches going back to 1 1/2 inches.

The seat I am getting has straps that go under a canoe seat so besides having the dowling act as a support it will also have the straps under it ... the back is set up the same way. This way the platform will become a part of the seat, get in camp ... take it out of the boat and have a camping chair. :D

Just something to get me up off the floor of the Freedom and out of any rain water ( it does rain on me at times when camping and paddling :roll: ) but let me sit lower in the boat and something that still can be used in camp for some comfort.

By the way if you are thinking that those slats will not hold any weight..... Guess again ... they will , 7.50 glass is epoxyed to there backsides and they will be epoxy saturated. Good Luck on breaking one of them. :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The seat arrived today....... I tried it out on the back porch .. it is down right comfortable and I am sure it will give me a lot of comfortable miles on the water when paddling the Freedom Kayak designed by Matt.


front view.........


side view......... The yellow slider controlls the angle you want for the backrest..... to locate your honey spot. :D

How it is attached to the support.........

Folded up.........



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
oldyaker said:
I have two of the identical sitbackers I got at Gander Mountain Chuck. I use them when I take the Mizzus fishing down a slow river. She really likes it.
Friend oldyaker,

So how come ya dont bring it when ya paddle with the geezers?


Duty then is the sublimest word in the English language. You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more, you should never wish to do less. Robert Edward Lee


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
hairymick said:
I emailed them and the buggers won't ship internationally.
Friend Mick,

I thought Brown positively delivered everwhere...frum Campmor? Buyin' a seat 'n shippin' it aint no problem. Now if ya want a Remington 870 police model with a Knoxx stock, well that mite take some tradin'. :mrgreen:

Be proud ta buy that seat fer ya 'n ship it fer whatever it costs.


Those who proclaim that the mere possession of a weapon causes the holder to contemplate criminal acts, are speaking volumes about their own tendencies. Sigmund Freud


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Good friends Bear & Chuck,

Thank you very much mates, but tis already taken care of. :D :D matt has very kindly also offered to get me one of them. Thanks guys. This has made my day. :D :D :D

I wonder when the camping outfitters and such in my country are finally going to wake up and realise that canoeing, paddle sports in general and camping are booming here and start to seriously stock some gear.


Looks like we are finally going to get some good summer rain here. Not drought breaking yet but it looks promising :D :D The rivers will start to flow properly again and my long awaited trip down the Mary will be a reality. :D :D. I cant wait. The rapids in it are nothing to compare with some of the piccies shown here but still good fun and at a stretch of the imagination, might even go to class 2 which is enough for me. :D :D .

Thanks again guys. you have gladdened this old farts heart.