The Current river Missouri | Page 2 |

The Current river Missouri


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2007
Ozark Mo.
Allegiant air Chuck Orlando to Springfield Missouri. Real cheap I've look into it so I could come down to Joe's place and float a couple of days there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Ozark said:
Allegiant air Chuck Orlando to Springfield Missouri. Real cheap I've look into it so I could come down to Joe's place and float a couple of days there.

How do I get the Jeep and Pirogue on the plane ? Thinking about it that might be the easy part , getting me on the plane would be the problem , I would have to be naked and still have a security force with me because of all the wires and gadgets in me. I set metal detectors off at 20 paces.

No one believes what I have in me , not even with X-Rays. I AM WIRED and booby trapped.:lol: You might say in order to travel my only ( non hassle ) option is by land. That is why I drove to Canada for the kids wedding , did not want the hassle at the airports.

Besides if I flew in and there someone is with Jack at the airport , knowing me the thing I would naturally do is to holler out .... HI JACK. Yep ..I know I can't keep my mouth shut and I should.
I have a plack on the wall here that reminds me of that. It says...........

Even a fish would stay out of trouble if it keep it's mouth shut.

It is right next to the canoe paddle that says......

Friends are welcome anytime , Family only by appointment.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Well, it's 750 miles for me, I can drive that without to much issue since I have driven 1450 miles with a snoring Voss in the right seat. The problem is I can't get there this Fall. Traveling for the job and a Family vacation.
Bit of advice for you OZ, If Chuckles goes, tell him keep his clothes on in those rapids or you'll have hordes of wimmen chas'n y'all! :shock: I seed the man in action... :roll:

I'll never forgit the laughter those wimmen waz putt'n out on poor Chuckles. I felt bad for da man.:oops:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
oldyaker said:
Bit of advice for you OZ, If Chuckles goes, tell him keep his clothes on in those rapids or you'll have hordes of wimmen chas'n y'all! :shock: I seed the man in action... :roll:

I'll never forgit the laughter those wimmen waz putt'n out on poor Chuckles. I felt bad for da man.:oops:

Yep , ya felt so bad for me it took three more days for you to stop laughing and that was only because your sides hurt to much to laugh. So you just went to snickering and passing gas.
I'm glad that I was able to put some good times in your trip. :wink:

On the serious side.

I do like your idea of different rivers and paddling them from a base camp. This way a person has a lot of choices and can do what they want over the 5 day period , actually might be 7 , one day there early to set up camp and then one day after the fun before hitting the road.

Not even thinking about having the base camp and then hitting one or two nights on a river , lots of choices and that is what makes it fun with a base camp to come back to.

Driving that far you can bet I am going to have some fun , might have to make it a three week expedition. Yep... The pleasures of being retired if the boss will let me go.

NO HONEY ........NOT NOW .... PUT MY LITTLE CAMPING TRAILER BACK .... It is sometime in September. Calm down , take a cold shower , stop fussing because I am home just think Sept will be here before you.............................

Ouch , That hurt.............

As I said.........
Even a fish would stay out of trouble if it keep it's mouth shut.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2007
Ozark Mo.
That gives me another idea a sign up for day trips. Wore out stay at camp or take a car trip to local scenic sites. Let me look up the current river sinks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2007
Ozark Mo.
I hate to start pluging in dates cause I haven't asked the man that signs my pay checks, but here I go. I'm thinking September 20 through 28.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Re: 5

a Bald Cypress said:
... 2. Okemos, Mi 712... I realize that in order to do this, some of you may have to remove your shoes [if you have any] to get numbers high enough. But, that’s the best I can do for ya.
Baldy, I'm coming every 712 of them both ways, and then some. I can do even numbers with only taking off my shoes. Odd numbers require more undressing.

Some one could stay in camp and not paddle, and be handy for shuttle. That would give them the best of both worlds. Also, they'd have time to scout out a spot to stop off at on the way back to camp for a piece of apple pie and a cuppa coffee.

20-28 Sep is fine with me, Paul. You are not as flexible as I am on schedule. After Labor day the bugs are dead and kids are in school.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2007
Ozark Mo.
Jack the kids partying here are not the problem. They actually clean up after themselves or the local officials come down on them. The problem is with the tourist who think they won't be here tomorrow and trash the sites


Well-Known Member
After looking at the pictures of your waterways it almost makes me want to come over and paddle , almost that is , there is no bloody way known to man that I'm going to get on a aeroplane so it just a dream for me ,

But I do envy you all that clear water , we used to have many coastal streams with crystal clear water , I remember then as a child but pretty much all those rivers are now dammed , actually one trip I have been thinking of for some time is following Baffle Creek from where it starts just out of town to the ocean , about 120 km , so far the only thing that puts me off the whole thing is that I've talked to a few of the old fellers in town that used to have farms along the creek before retiring to town and they reckon there are a few medium size crocs live along the creek [ 12 to 13 ft ] , now this area is supposed to be just out of the croc zone but no one has explained this to the crocs and the zone tends to expand in warm years , now normally I'm wary of crocs but they don't tend to stop me paddling any where I want to go but two of these old fellers reckon that the crocs tend to be in very narrow sections of the creek and like to just lay across the rock bar and let the water run around them , not 100 % sure I want to try and get past a 13 ft croc when it laying across a narrow section about the same size it is , of course these old guys haven't lived on those properties for 4 or 5 years so they may not be there any more , , I sort of figured some thing like a Okwata with a minimum of camp gear or may be some one to meet us along the way with a vehicle carrying the gear , figure a light kayak because will probably have to carry the kayaks around a few fences , rock bars and fall downs got one mate interested for next year , maybe I can get Mick interested



Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2007
Ozark Mo.
Ever try tossing a stick of dynomite in them croc holes first David?
You would be more than welcome to join us any time. I'll make sure there are lots of pictures for you though. Ya never know maybe I"ll get to come over there some day float with you and the blokes.


Well-Known Member

Tossing Dynamite at crocs is sort of frowned on here , for some misguided reason they are totally protected unless they are attacking you , I once asked a feller from the National Parks and Wildlife dept what was regarded as a attack , he reckoned that if a croc attacked a party of kayakers and killed one or two then we would be pretty sure to get away with shooting it with out being sent to jail , he seemed to think that a croc causing severe injury to some one but that person being able to get away wasn't reason enough to kill it unless the croc followed and tried to have another go and it was impossible for us to get away , best not to say any thing if you have to shoot one ,

Oz you would be most welcome , of course most of our paddling places are mangrove lined and full of mosquitoes and sand flies , but as I quite like mangroves that's fine with me but not to every ones liking , last time I went for a paddle I put in at half tide and just sort of paddled and drifted up the creek with the tide tossing a lure and then paddled and drifted back with the out going tide , caught a couple of nice fish but forgot to bring my camera , left it home on the kitchen table , I paddled a area that is known to have a resident croc but although I saw a slide I didn't see the croc , when my wife found out I went there by my self she freaked and reckons to have my Ba##s on a stick if I ever do that again with out some one else with me , think she works on the idea that there is a 50/50 chance the croc will take them instead

Yeah more pictures of crystal clear water [ and fish too ]



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Ozark said:
I hate to start pluging in dates cause I haven't asked the man that signs my pay checks, but here I go. I'm thinking September 20 through 28.


When you or after you do some scouting and get things worked out how about posting it in the Trips or Social Events in the Planning.
The reason I am asking for that is there has been some back channel chatter over here from folks reading this post and thinking about making the trip.

It is to early to commit to it at this time but there is a strong interest.
Us Florida and southern boy's have to make sure nothing as windy as Jack or Oldyaker will blow in off the Atlantic when we are away from home. :lol: :lol: :lol: It is always nice to know you can come back to a home that is still there.



Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2007
Ozark Mo.
I will Chuck like you say it's still to early to commit to any dates but as soon as those present them selves it will be done. It's not appearing to hard to get the local outfitters interested in this Rendevouz. Most say that at that time of year they could provide transport and canoes for lots of people. I am in hopes it does attract attention that was another reason I started posting more pictures as I found them. Big or small it won't matter really, hopefully it will inspire others to plan us a trip in the future.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
One of the things that really is appealing to the guy's ... I have been talking with .... is the fact of the base camp.

The general drift of thought is the time it would take to get out there. The last time it was three days of solid driving which was OK. This time it would be longer since we are thinking of camping along the way ( taking side trips) and enjoying the trip both there , coming and going.

Having the base camp offers a lot of options as to what a person could do if they want to. I am thinking that the evenings around a camp fire is when all of the boat science would be spread.

Trying to push a chain uphill and not pull it since this information ( even the exact date) is not available ( still in the planning stage) . :roll:

Some of the questions that are sure to come up is the rivers ( naturally) and what the paddling would be like , normal water , white water , quiet water. The character of the rivers determines the boat to be paddled. A couple of the guy's are thinking of making a couple of Jem's Lakers. Not sure if for the trip but it sounded like it.

Then there is the general information about the campground , to reserve a camping space for that time period , the location, the facilities they have , "O" ...almost forgot the cost. :lol:

My God....... I am doing to you what I hate when people do it to me while planning a trip , getting bossy and telling me how to do it. PLEASE.... only consider what I have written as a persons thoughts and questions that would be asked while thinking of a trip.
