That bird won't fly! |

That bird won't fly!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
I was home on leave from the Army in the late 60s. I was the first of my circle of friends to enter the service, although, within the year all of us were in Uncle Sam's employ. But at that moment I was the "Stud Duck".
I was so full of s**t, Mr macho man, trained killer, ad nauseum.
At some time in that 14 days, a high school chum and I decided to go quail hunting.
Well, given my imagined status in the world of men, I was not going to garb myself in the traditional bird hunter's uniform. So, I stapped on my Aussie bush hat that I had picked up at the PX, donned a fatigue jacket with the sleeves cut off, hung a single action .22, in a fast draw rig, around my waist, properly bloused my jeans into my eight inch bird shooter boots, pick up my model 97 Winchester 12 guage, and I was ready to hunt quail. ( I suppose the revolver was just in case a wounded quail got into tight brush, and I would have to go in alone to take him out. you can never be too careful.)
We drove to his father's farm, and commenced hunting. About twenty minutes into the hunt, we jumped out a good sized covey.
Well "Mr Expert of all Things masculine", dropped that 97, and in the best Wyatt Earp form(TV version), whipped out that single six, and fired one shot at the departing quail. And dropped one!
Even as full of myself as I was at the time, I knew it was an impossible shot. I KNEW it was pure luck. . But I wasn't going to let this legend die.
We walked out to get the bird, and I had grazed the back deeply. and taken off most off it's head.
"Well, damn", said I, I shot too low, " I hate wasting good meat".
A few months after that, he enlisted in the Navy, moved to Taxachucetts, and married a Yankee chick. I couldn't honorably speak to him again.
He tried to recover his honor by moving back to the South, and then died. I have no witness to the best shot I ever made.
(But then there the "over the shoulder" dove shot. That will have to be another post.)

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Mine isn't as spectacular (read lucky) of a shot as yours, but kinda similar. My ex-brothers in law and I were deer hunting in upper Michigan. Ike always considered that he was John Wayne reincarnated.

He toted a Winchester "thutty thutty". Out of the box, it is one of the weakest rifles yet invented; stronger than a pellet gun or a 22, and less than anything else. (Without a tubular magazine so a spitzer pointed ball can be loaded safely, the .30-30 is an altogether different gun with usable ballistics.)

He told me that my .30-06 shot bullets "too fast to be accurate". "OK, let's do some target shooting" sez I. I knew where the ball crossed my line of sight in the scope, how high it was at 100, 150, & how low at 200 yards. I made sure that I was the one to put the old oil can in the crotch of a tree so I could count the paces.

His two rounds didn't hit either the can or tree. My first round killed the can. When I picked it up, my hole was about 1" off center.

Ike asked if I wanted to shoot any more. "Nope, don't see much reason to." He shut up about his thutty thutty after that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder

I sprung fer a Slavia springer airgun (.177) fer my little brother cuz he saved me $50-60,000 on medical cost fer the family over the years. I didnt spring fer a scope....that wuz up ta him. Besides, scopin' Slavia pellet guns jest aint eazy. I took him out hiz back door 'n we set round this wood table. I showed him how ta cock 'n load a pellet, then I clicked it shut. I looked round 'n seen some Starlings in the top of hiz neighbor's 75 year old oak tree. [That wuz before I sprung fer the "seein' glasses". No scope 'n no seein' glasses means I wuz dead nuts accurate out ta 15'....even tho seein' the rear site 'n the front site at the same time wuz near bout impossible.]

I done my best ta point the pellet gun up near the top of that tree 'n squeezed the trigger. A starling stopped sqwakin', fell 150' thru limbs 'n hit the ground with a thud. Back then my brother didnt know az much bout Carlos Hathcock, but he figgered I had done good. I tried ta tell him there wuz some luck in it....but I dont figger I made that az clear az I could have. :wink:


Lorie: Ya want yer rifle.
Gus: No, I shot me many a fancy bandit with just my pistol.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
Yes, the .30.30 is kind of a wimpy round outside fifty yards or so. But I have a Wnchester lever action .30.30, that for me personally, is the hardest kicking piece of ordenance I have ever put to my shoulder. But it's only me. My brother, my sons, a couple of friends have fired it, and claim there is no recoil at all. But if I run a box of cartriges though it, I will be black and blue from my ribs to the point of my shoulder.
The .410, I once had a .410 that was solid metal. stock and all. A double barrel that would shoot .410 or .45 ACP ball. It had some cutsey-poo name, that I don't remember. I loaned it to someone and it never came home.
I used to carry it on floats, with a meager dutch load of one #8 .410 and a dum-dummed .45. I figured that would stop anything in North America. But I never used it a single time off the range.
It kicked like mule too, but it wasn't meant to fire from the shoulder, although it did have about a ten inch stock. It also had a pistol grip. the stock was merely decor.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
Carlos Hathcock- I had a friend, an Army sniper, that competed in the military 1000 yard meets.
He was in the reserves, so he periodically took off for training and the contests.
After once such absence, he came back so elated, we had to follow him around with a mop! He had met Gunney Hathcock. It meant nothing to me at the time, but at his urging I did some research. (This was before the computer craze, I actually had to go to the library, and read!)
Gunnery sergent Hathcock was one shootin' SOB!
He was treated rather shabbily toward the end of his career, but the government sort of made it up to him before he passed on.
My sniper friend was killed about five years ago by a road side bomb in
Iraq. (I don't know how the hell he got back in the Army, he wasn't THAT much younger than me.) He had been in country three days.
The third friend I have lost to the s##t eating terrorists!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Jim,

I am sho sorry bout yer pal. The politikle correct folks (even in the army) dont shed no tears fer snipers. They dont fit inta no outfit. Most folks dont even know Carlos got hizself burnt up chunkin' Marines off that half track....which wuz part of what done him in. He never got a dime off hiz first book. There iz a new book out by a pal of hiz.


Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. P. J. O'Rourke