Thar Be GOLD in Them Thar Hills. . . |

Thar Be GOLD in Them Thar Hills. . .


Well-Known Member
I thought I might give ya'll a trip report on something 'sides paddlin'. . .

We woke up yesterday morning, Susie and I, and loaded the car for a day in the mountains, just outside of Pierce, Idaho. We had decided to spend the day panning for gold and just kicking back and enjoying a real day off. It started out with our usual "it's 3:30, wake up and get a cup of coffee" routine, then the "3 S's" routine. Then it was stop and make sure the tank was full and head for Pierce.
Now I would've picked another route, being one of those guys that if I be going somewhere let me hurry up and get there. Susie on the other hand prefers the longer scenic routes along some roads that you are lucky if you make it out off 2nd gear. I mean this road she had me take took us an hour to go 10 miles and I never once made it to 3rd. . .
I admit, it was some pretty country. . .



. . .but I did find out one important thing. . . if there is wildlife to be seen and photographed you had better have Susie drive, if you expect pictures to be taken. . . She gets so excited about seeing an animal, she forgets she has a camera in her hand. . . And with all the deer, elk, chipmunks, rabbits, turkey, and such seen on the drive. . there not be one pic to show anyone. . . The few pics I managed to get on that part of the drive were those I got when I stopped to water the plants with coffee pass through. . .


Of course, I got my usual light 'n' shadow stuff. . .



. . .Anyway, I did finally manage to get out of 2nd and hit an paved road. . . I was glad to see it. . .



It really was a fun drive but I was glad to get to the claim and have me some fun with the pan while Susie looked for her bugs. . .


Well-Known Member
Now, the creek we set up on was nice. . . a really peaceful spot about 20 miles east of Pierce in the Clearwater National Forest. . . A right pretty place. . .





Susie opted for more leisurely activity. . .



. . .while I, on the other hand. . .


Dang white legs. . . she had to get that before I could let them pants legs down. . .


I don't know how well you can see it in this photo, but. . .Thar Be Gold In Them Thar Hills. . . For the most part, as is the norm for Idaho, the gold around here is mostly fine or flake with the occassion rice grain size nugget being found and the rare find of anything much bigger than that. . . I did manage a few small pickers and nuggets and some flake gold. . . If I was to work that claim everday I might could make wages everyday. . .so the trip out, with all the right gear, would be profitable. . .if a man wanted to, I guess. . . What I found will probably make Susie a pair of stud earrings, maybe. . .


Anyway, it was a good day. . . rest and relaxation. . . even found a couple of garnets that might make Susie a pair of earrings. . . who knows. . . .


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Some lovely territory . good looking water and the flash in the pan glimmering at that Prospector with the white legs makes it better. Then the lovely Lady directing him from her directors chair makes it even better. Without her directing you I bet you would of tried a different area and only got rocks.

Ya do know in the old days the Prospector only had his Burrow to tell him where to look , you sure have taken that up a 100% ya sly devil. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Steve , I do hope you and Susie have a grand time and it sure looks like the two of you are doing just that. She is good medicine for you along with that I-de-hoe area as long as it is not winter. Now as far as ya looks , well that just proves you belong on here. :wink:
