Terraserver | SouthernPaddler.com




Wanna ta see a stretch a river? Wanna see what the High Sheriff's house looked like before it come all them hoodoochies? Wanna see where Swampy stays?

It even haz Michigan where ya kin see Dapper Al's home out on that Au Sable river 'n the Hudson Bay where Kayak Jack used ta be a company man til they found gold off ta Mister Sutter's Mill. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2003
Chuluota, Florida
bearridge said:
Wanna ta see a stretch a river? Wanna see what the High Sheriff's house looked like before it come all them hoodoochies? Wanna see where Swampy stays?

Yes, yes indeed!

I can see my house from here:

http://terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?t ... 2&z=17&w=1

While not mine yet as the picture is from June 2002 the diagonal home at
the corner of second street (east-west) dead ends at H avenue (north-south)
and curves in to third street (to the south).

The white fence (running north-south) east of H avenue is now containing
some high dollar new homes not shown here.

Old Sparkey should be able to back out a frame or two and see his house.

The old orange grove across the street (to the north) is more defined from
the bird-eye view. I hope it's undeveloped for a long time. :)




Well-Known Member
http://terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?t ... 3&z=17&w=1

Here's my place. You can see the left side of my roof. The right side is covered nicely by massive laurel oaks.

Or should I say used to be covered my oaks.

Yes, hurricanes Francis and Jeanne have all but destroyed the reason why we bought this house. I spent all week chainsawing and all day yesterday chipping and bobcatting those trees away.

Three trips to the landfill with a dump truck, another load to a burn pit and I still have another truck load stacked and two piles of mulch in the back yard.

Yup, I think I am gonna mow down the last remaining trees and plant some sugar cane.

Sorry to derail, but whe I saw the arial shot, I just got a little ticked.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't find my street, but found my shop:


Look to the upper left of the pointer, shop is in the middle of that building

Did some searching and panning and zooming, and found my abode:


The long building at the middle right; I'm in the lower unit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I found mine ..... It is the third from the left on the top and the kids (the one I had built for my Mother) is across the street with the angled driveway.

One thing is wrong ... it does not show the work shop in the back at my place and the shop is 21 feet by 21 feet. Now the trees that use to be there are in the picture but not here anymore.

http://terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?t ... 5&z=17&w=1



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2003
Chuluota, Florida
oldsparkey said:
I found mine ..... It is the third from the left on the top and the kids (the one I had built for my Mother) is across the street with the angled driveway.

One thing is wrong ... it does not show the work shop in the back at my place and the shop is 21 feet by 21 feet. Now the trees that use to be there are in the picture but not here anymore.

http://terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?t ... 5&z=17&w=1


I was looking over on 7th street. The fire house and the older gocery/post
office are pictured but not the new gas station where I put air in my tires.

I didn't know that row of store fronts were built so current in time in the
Metropolis of Chuluota. :roll:

Was in Wally's mart yesterday looking at waterway maps again at the
sport goods desk. They have for $12 each some of the intercostal and
St. John's waters. Couldn't figure out which section would be best to
get first.

