Tea Bags..... | SouthernPaddler.com

Tea Bags.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I received this in a email and thought it would be a nice idea to share a spot "O" Tea with our elected officials so they can mellow out , sharing something is always nice , don't you think ? I share my tea with fellow campers and they always mellow out after a cup or two.
Tea Bags

There's a storm abrewin'. What happens when good, responsible people keep quiet? Washington has forgotten they work for us. We don't work for them. Throwing good money after bad is NOT the answer. I am sick of the midnight, closed door sessions to come up with a plan. I am sick of Congress raking CEO's over the coals while they, themselves, have defaulted on their taxes. I am sick of the bailed out companies having lavish vacations and retreats on my dollar. I am sick of being told it is MY responsibility to rescue people that, knowingly, bought more house than they could afford. I am sick of being made to feel it is my patriotic duty to pay MORE taxes. I, like all of you, am a responsible citizen. I pay my taxes. I live on a budget and I don't ask someone else to carry the burden for poor decisions I may make. I have emailed my congressmen and senators asking them to NOT vote for the stimulus package as it was written without reading it first. No one listened. They voted for it, pork and all.

O.K. folks, here it is. You may think you are just one voice and what you think won't make a difference. Well, yes it will and YES, WE CAN!! If you are disgusted and angry with the way Washington is handling our taxes. If you are fearful of the fallout from the wreckless spending of BILLIONS to bailout and "stimulate" without accountability and responsibility then we need to become ONE, LOUD VOICE THAT CAN BE HEARD FROM EVERY CITY, TOWN, SUBURB AND HOME IN AMERICA. There is a growing protest to demand that Congress, the President and his cabinet LISTEN to us, the American Citizens. What is being done in Washington is NOT the way to handle the economic free fall.

So, here's the plan. On April 1, 2009, all Ameicans are asked to send a TEABAG to Washinton , D.C. You do not have to enclose a note or any other information unless you so desire. Just a TEABAG. Many cities are organizing protests. If you simply search, "New American Tea Party", several sites will come up. If you aren't the 'protester' type, simply make your one voice heard with a TEABAG. Your one voice will become a roar when joined with millions of others that feel the same way. Yes, something needs to be done but the lack of confidence as shown by the steady decline in the stock market speaks volumes.
This was not my idea. I visited the sites of the 'New American Tea Pary' and an online survey showed over 90% of thousands said they would send the teabag on April 1. Why, April 1?? We want them to reach Washington by April 15. Will you do it? I will.
Send it to; 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington , D.C. 20500 ..

Forward this to everyone in your address book. Visit the website below for more information about the 'New American Tea Party'. I would encourage everyone to go ahead and get the envelope ready to mail, then just drop it in the mail April 1. Can't guarantee what the postage will be by then, it is going up as we speak, but have your envelope ready. What will this cost you? A little time and a 40 something cent stamp.

What could you receive in benefits? Maybe, just maybe, our elected officials will start to listen to the people. Take out the Pork. Tell us how the money is being spent. We want TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. Remember, the money will be spent over the next 4-5 years. It is not too late.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The wife was telling me that someone did the calculations for Bill O Riley to post on his show. The money they want to waste is the equivalent to one million dollars per day back to when Jesus was born. :shock:

I know Washington does not care since they don't pay taxes ( well some of them forget to ) or anything more then to empty our pockets for there pleasure and buddies.
It is an awesome sum to me and the time to pay it back , if that would ever happen is frighting. Something else to keep you awake at night , this is all happening in the 1st 100 days in office for the Pres and the rest of the Rat Pack ( yes people) that got elected. The rest of the 1,360 days will be interesting if we can afford them. :p



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Mister High Sheriff,

I like the feelin' behind the tea-mail, but mailin' a tea bag ta 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. iz a waste of time. Yer mailin' it ta a fella who jest dont care. Mail him a hammer 'n sickle. He mite pay some attention. I wuz gwine ta have Miz Bear mail our tea bags (ya know we will be on the Brazos on April Fool Day), but I aint mailin' no tea bags ta nobody who will jest have flunkies sent 'em ta the dump. He likely never even heard of the Boston Tea Party. He likes Lincoln, not Jefferson. They both come frum the American commode.....Illinois.


Research shows the presence of women raises the standards of ethical behavior and lowers corruption. Hillary Clinton


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Mike,

If it makes ya feel better, good. I am glad. It jest dont ring my bell cuz I dont figger they will tell how many tea bags they sent ta the dump. I admire the fellas who dumped the tea in the harbor, but they would not have mailed a tea bag ta London.


ps If I figgered there wuz a point ta it, I'd be rite there with ya. We feel the same anger.

The society of late twentieth century America is perhaps the first in human history where most grown men do not routinely bear arms on their persons and boys are not regularly raised from childhood to learn skill in the use of some kind of weapon, either for community or personal defense - club or spear, broadsword or long bow, rifle or Bowie knife. It also happens to be one of the rudest and crudest societies in history, having jubilantly swept most of the etiquette of speech, table, dress, hospitality, fairness, deference to authority and the relations of male and female and child and elder under the fraying and filthy carpet of politically convenient illusions. With little fear of physical reprisal Americans can be as loud, gross, disrespectful, pushy, and negligent as they please. If more people carried rapiers at their belts, or revolvers on their hips, It is a fair bet you would be able to go to a movie and enjoy the dialogue from the screen without having to endure the small talk, family gossip and assorted bodily noises that many theater audiences these days regularly emit. Today, discourtesy is commonplace precisely because there is no price to pay for it.  Samuel Francis



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2006
Palm Bay, FL (East coast)
Dont forget to add an additional 20 cents postage per envelope, since the tea bag in an envelope will make it to bulky to go thru the automatic sorting machines, and it will have to be hand sorted. Or you will just get it back in a few weeks.

Of course, since 9/11 not sure how many "lumpy" envelopes actually make it anywhere remotely close to the white house, much less even opened. A "lumpy" envelope with no return address, how close do you think that will get to the white house. But I am sure that some mail room technician, probably located somewhere in North Dakota, examining all those envelopes will feel your pain. :lol:

Looks to me like all it will do is supply income to the USPS.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
This has nothing to do with gun rights , it is about all the tax money that idiot is wasting and trying to bankrupt this nation by his actions and brainless thoughts. Heck China is even worried that we will not stand good on the trillion dollars we owe them. There are other nations also worried so I guess we are not alone. :roll:

When you think of money in that light a stamp is a worth while investment and I have plenty of tea bags so one in a envelope will not hurt me in any manner. The up side is the money will be spent on something here in the USA and not anywhere else.... China is not running the postal service ... I hope
As far as the envelope .... You can bank on the fact there will be a return address , I want them to know who sent it. It is printed on a Veteran of Foreign Wars logo they send me to use for my return address. :D

They can throw it away , use it , snort it or what ever they want to do with it but they will get one from myself and the wife. Some folks like to fuss about things but never do anything , others do something and this is easy to do and might wake one person up.



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
One of our E steamed members had a quote by M. Ghandi that has stuck with me. To paraphrase, it said that whatever you do ain't gonna matter none, but it is very important that you do it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Had a turn out in Orlando today on the Tea Party this weekend and there were more there then they expected , about 4,200 or so the guess. Darn they even had it on the news this morning , surprised the heck out of me since the media is so in love with the prez.

For Orlando it is surprising , if everyone sends in that letter and tea bag it should flood Washington. :D :D
