tandem recommendations | SouthernPaddler.com

tandem recommendations


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Bellybuster said:
Hey all: after buiding the Piro, I seem to have gotten my whole family interested. Now I'm lookin for 2 tandems. I could build'em or buy'em, either way we're on the water.

You will spend more if you purchase them and only have a boat the way some on else builds them , you will lose river time by building them but you could have two boats for the price of one , or less. Plus they will be the way you want them.

Are you in a hurry or do you have some time to create your own , personalised boat , only you know that.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
islandpiper said:
Yup.......another good fellow, led down the path ...........before long he'll be geezer, wondering where his life went.......building boats, fishing, cooking strange things out in the driveway....
... and sipping Dago red, smoking seegars, and spittin' inta the wind!
islandpiper said:
Now I'm lookin for 2 tandems.

Yup.......another good fellow, led down the path ...........before long he'll be geezer, wondering where his life went.......building boats, fishing, cooking strange things out in the driveway....


you obviously haven't visited my webpage, cookin strange things in the driveway is my primary pastime. Geezerdome???? closer than you tink