I'm reading an interesting book, Build the Perfect Survival Kit, by John D. McCann. He doesn't preach; he suggests, guides, and informs. You select components and buy, assemble, and build them to make your own kit. It can be tailored towards mountains, desert, swamp, plains, city, roads & highways, etc.
I'm learning some new things, finding that some things I have are what he suggests, and bypassing some things. No major disagreements yet, though he freely states that what he says is strictly his opinion.
Even if you don't build a kit (mini-small wrapped in aluminum foil for shirt pocket or in a Altoids tin) to medium with more equipment, to large for vehicle or boat), it's an interesting read. You may have to ask your local library to go out to other libraries to get it for you.
I'm learning some new things, finding that some things I have are what he suggests, and bypassing some things. No major disagreements yet, though he freely states that what he says is strictly his opinion.
Even if you don't build a kit (mini-small wrapped in aluminum foil for shirt pocket or in a Altoids tin) to medium with more equipment, to large for vehicle or boat), it's an interesting read. You may have to ask your local library to go out to other libraries to get it for you.