Spring time in th south..still cold up thar! | Page 2 | SouthernPaddler.com

Spring time in th south..still cold up thar!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
Bear, I was in AZ during that storm. In Tombstone, AZ, I heard about the storm from a tourist station in town. Ran and called wife. They were without power. Camping gear got them through it after cutting off rooms in the house with blankets.
Know where Ortonville, MI is? Lived there back in early 60s. It got cold there also....
hince south from then on ( after five winters in warmer climes) :wink:
Wife fell to much up north and HAD to move down here. :lol:
Born in TN, raised in MI, and settled in NC.
We get snow around here about every five years along the southeastern parts of NC. More hurricanes than snow.



Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2003
Sun City, Arizona
Hey all,

I heard on the radio today tha we had not reached 70 degrees for four sraight weeks, but today we are going up to 78 today. :lol: Yup, our winter is officaly over. :wink:

I do remember one winter in Iowa we lost all power due to and ice storm, and it stayed below zero for over a week. Having once been a boy scout, I was prepared. I had pulled our 21 foot travel trailer up to the South side of our house. We stayed in the trailer for six days waiting for the power to be restored. In that 21 foot trailer with me for six days were; my wife, our four teenaged sons, our preadolescent daughter and the dog. lol :roll: We heated the trailer with a catalytic heater left over from our tenting days.




Friends Swampy, Lurker & Buddy,

I recall the '93 storm. Az I recall we wuz gwine ta take a heap a college kids over ta the Nantahala. Ole Dave kept watchin' the weather 'n went downrite gloomy cuz in 25 years he never let weather change hiz plans. This wuz the first time. If we had lit out fer Caroliney some kids coulda froze on the way. Gas stations couldnt pump no gas cuz they didnt have no power neither.

I got two buddies who wuz drivin' Ole Ike's highroad from Birmingham ta Chattanoogy when it stopped 'em cold near Gadsen. Even Ike's highroad went down. They managed ta git ta a motel near a hospital, so they got some power purty quick.

All them kids wuz angry with Dave. It hurt him when they tole how he ruint there spring break....him savin' their lives 'n all.

Az I recall a scout troop frum Michigun wuz up on the trail 'n had ta be rescued. Miz Ann had ta shut down the Lost Mines Campin' spot. Az I recall she had some 20' drifts. I jest warnt a good time fer paddin'.



P.S. Since January I been walkin' so I dont have ta buy no more clothes. I walked by the college on day when lo 'n behold there wuz one a the trailers with 4 Blue Hole OCA's and 2 Blue Hole Sunburst II's, includin' the one painted cream. [Big Sigh] I paddled a lotta water in them boats 'n now they jest set across frum the new swimmin' hole fer racin'. I hear Dave still takes some kids on a trip ever now 'n then.