Southern Paddler, St. Mary's camping , paddling viedo | Page 2 |

Southern Paddler, St. Mary's camping , paddling viedo



Friend Wayne,

Me'n Kayak Jack dont see eye ta eye on grits, but if that whiskey ya like iz any good, I agree with him. Dont put no ice ('er water) in it. It aint no point in dilutin' good whiskey. Jest sip on it real slooooooooooooooooow.



P.S. That looked like a fine rowin' boat ya made.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2003
Birmingham, Alabama
Ah, my friend Bear,

For some reason, no ice in a drink besides coffee seems bizarre to me. It is about as strange as sun-brewed tea or drinking room temperture beer. Or heaven forbid, putting sugar on grits instead of salt and pepper.


Friend Wayne,

Jest recall what Uncle Remus sez: "It aint what ya dont know that puts a hurtin' on ya, its what ya knows fer sho, but it jest aint true."

It took a heap a practice til I learnt ta sip whiskey. Grits come eazy.


Now dont none of you little pardners try this at home.....til ya git old 'n yer preposterone settles down a bit. Me'n Wayne'n Kayak Jack'n a few ole folks on here had a heap a practice at sippin' mind alteratin' distillated 'er fermentated nectar frum the gods. Settin' home 'n sippin' iz purty good. Hittin' the highroad 'n gulpin' aint no good.

Besides Mountain Dew iz still legal in most places 'n it'll git ya wired up like Ole Charles Brown who done that fine Christmas song.

Mister High Sheriff,

I hope its okay ta say "Christmas" in the off season. If it aint, jest make it go "poof" like Swampy done when he wuz tryin' ta mess up my good life.

regards 'n high times,

honored guest
friends of sippin' society
bugtussle grits festival, top dawg

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Br'r Bear, Frater Ursus Australicus. You're correct on no ice or water, and sip it slowly AND RESPONSIBLY.

AUB, I'm not familiar with the black bull on a string brand. I can try exploring a bit. (Tough duty - but SOMEONE'S got to do it.)


Try the Scotch. Also, even though cotton socks and you are old friends (NOT a pretty picture), try the plastic socks. Polypropylene or Capilene as liners inside your regular socks will let your feet think they've died and gone to heaven. I kid thee not.


Friend Kayakus Jackus,

Hmmmm.....that sounds kinda like a donkey. :wink:

I tried the Livet, but I jest found Irish whiskey 'n it iz a bit more ta my likin'. I will try Livet 'er Fiddich frum time ta time az my tastes change....cept fer english peas.

I mite give them liners a try, but until I went off ta camp 'n paddle with the High Sheriff, I rarely had cold feet. I have done most of my paddlin' az well az campin' in the mountains where dew wuz never a problem. My cotton socks would have done okay on the St. Mary if they hadnt gotten wet.....which iz the big drawback of cotton.

I had wool socks with me ta solve that.

For cold weather paddlin' on cold water, I sometimes put neophrene socks over wool. I know that aint az smoothe az liners, but I am usually off the river in 4-5 hours 'n sippin' java at some cafe. If I wuz off ta the Boundary Water, I reckon I'd want some a them liners....but I would still wear cotton til they got wet.


"way down yonder in the land a cotton"


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
bearridge said:
"way down yonder in the land a cotton"

~~ Where Polyester cloth is gotten. Look away....look away... frum Jack's feet..~~~~
Ya'll knowz that the poly iz get rat hare in th' south... :wink:
Okey dokey kiddies... hitz time fer a nap az Uncle Chucky iz out shoppin fer a new home.... an th' mail iz quiet on th home front....

Grandpaw swampy "oh I wish I waz in Dixie hurrah! hurrah! Longjohns ain't soon fergotten...~~~

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
bearridge said:
(SNIP) I mite give them liners a try, but until I went off ta camp 'n paddle with the High Sheriff, I rarely had cold feet. I have done most of my paddlin' az well az campin' in the mountains where dew wuz never a problem. My cotton socks would have done okay on the St. Mary if they hadnt gotten wet.....which iz the big drawback of cotton.

I had wool socks with me ta solve that. (SNIP) If I wuz off ta the Boundary Water, I reckon I'd want some a them liners....but I would still wear cotton til they got wet.
Ursus Australicus,

My experience is that with the polyester/ Capilene liners under wool socks, when I stop along the trail, I can turn the wool socks inside out for a few minutes, to dry, and the liners dry on my feet. Good for the feet, bad for the critters.

One use for blended malt Scotch is use as foot linament.


Kayak Jack said:
One use for blended malt Scotch is use as foot linament.

Friend Jack,

Smellin' fine wuz mitey low on the list down on the St. Mary. In fact, Van allowed az how smellin' bad wuz good cuz that way the little critters would leave ya alone, but I dont know what the smell a Mister Johnnies Red Label would do! The bad taste wuz a bit overwhelmin', so I caint ritely recall what it smelt like. It tasted like coal oil, so I figger it smelt like coal oil.

But ya keep thinkin' Butch, thats what yer good at. :wink:

If we kin come up with a use fer that stuff, we mite kin win a prize.......mebbe they'd pay fer a trip ta Graceland?



I'd start a poll on it, but ya caint do no pollin' less ya join up on the forum.

Ya heard how it come a hoodoochie while we wuz campin' with Ole far az I kin tell that appears ta be a purty powerful curse. I done some cussin', but I kept it ta myownself......I didnt want Caleb ta hear no hard talk.

What do ya reckon the High Sheriff done ta git such a curse flung on him? Wonder if he went 'n tole how Mister Clifford Jacobs dont know nuthin'. I seen hiz video 'n he dang sho knows a thing 'er two. I liked the way he put up a little tent fer some midgets. Campin' with midgets iz likely hard enuff.....but settin' up their tents showed me the kinda fella Mister Jacobs iz.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

Ya is a member since ya has been rained upon and frozen at night, then suffered the swampy curse of back pains when paddling.... See it is just not me.....we are ganging up on ya. Now I hate to say this but since ya were there it will be with ya the rest of ya life.......Ya is or has been indoctrinated.

Besides ya and me are the only ones that had grits at the resturant ... the rest of the wimps had hash browns...even swampy .. :? :roll: ...... if ya will recall.

In case any Little Partners is a looking at this I will fer get the rest of the curse ..... laughter all the time around the fire and just a lot of fun being out in the woods with a bunch of nut's..... YEP, we had a bunch of nut's .... I had a whole can of Planters mixed nut's to snack on ....Lightly salted variety. Got to think about your health.

What were you thinking .... Get your mind out of the gutter..........We is smart fellers and believe in laying back and enjoying life.... No rush, no fuss, just fun all of the time.


Friend Ole Sparkey,

I dont care what Swampy sez, yer one a the top trip leaders.....but I aint seen ya off with no campin' midgets.

I been indocterated before.....several times, but it never took. I got a rebel mind.....'n a flag ta go with it. :wink: Unlike Little Jim Dean (who never learnt how ta sip neither) I got a cause too......givin' up my dang job that keeps messin' up with my good life.

The way I figger it, if I spent more time amongst you 'n Swampy 'n Ray 'n the Commodore 'n Al 'n Van 'n Mac, the sooner I'd be retarded too.....I mean retired too. :mrgreen:

I had got ta be purty dang good at takin' a long time movin' down river before the St. Mary. Mebbe someday I kin git a chance ta show ya. :wink:




Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

Let me know when the Judge will let you go for a long time , no court appointments , and I can show you a really slow ( just like swampy ) almost like paddling in reverse ... :wink: ...trip down any river , here in the land of heat & humidity .... sometimes the humidity gets solid and falls from the sky..... OK ..Most of the time , when I am out there , but it does cool things down. :roll:

An honest person could almost say , I am all wet....... Just figured on beating the rest of you to that....... :lol: :lol: :lol: Besides I have been told I am retarded ( something like that ) cause I paddle with Lawyers .... I just figured it was cause I am not working anymore and getting paid to not work.
Besides I was only worried that paddling with Swampy or Kayak Jack would hurt my reputation ..... Lawyers are fun to paddle with.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Who's retarted ... not me..... I enjoy cashing that check ever time it comes in on the end of the month.....Florida .... Send me more of them.

Jean sent this to me and I took part of it to post here ............ Makes good sense to me....speciall thinking about bankers and my hard earned retardment check.

1. Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
2. Life is simpler when you plow around the stumps.
3. A bumble bee is faster than a John Deere tractor.
4. Don't skinny dip with snapping turtles.
5. Words that soak into your ears are whispered, not yelled.
6. Most of the stuff people worry about never happens.
