Sold pirogue |

Sold pirogue


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Well, the green and white pirogue has gone on to the next owner. I've had it out on the front lawn for sale, off and on, for a couple of months. I also sold a Sparky style seat with it along with the joined Walmart double paddle with the hand painted cypress trees. I got about double the money I had in the whole package. Fair enough.

It was basically the same bottom width, beam and weight as the Swamper kayak, but not nearly as fast and slippery. I'm not a guy that likes to collect things. Two boats was one too many in my book.

Not exactly sure what I'll build next. Being retired, I have the time to maybe build my "dream" boat.



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
....... or a freeze-dried pirogue............just add water. :mrgreen:

Jack, I thought about some kind of cover for the Swamper so I could sleep in it. I shelved that idea when I thought of waking up next to a 12 foot alligator. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Kinda figured that. Thanks for the confirmation. I'd rather have a bear in the neighborhood than a raccoon in camp.

Raccoons in the back yard is just as bad. They are digging holes everywhere.

I have been reducing there ranks slowly but steadily. I could get rid of them faster if the dam Possums would stop getting in the trap. I trap a possum then a few days later a coon. Then it's back to the possum and later a coon. Repeat the process all over again.
I swear the coons drag a possum along with them to go in the trap and get the treat for them then the possum is trapped and has to stay in there till I move and release him.

I think they ran out of possums because the last smart fart tripped the trap on its side so he could get in there and get the treat without the trap springing shut on him. I re-baited the trap and put a rice krispy treat on a small paper plate and placed it at the far end of the trap. Morning arrives and the paper plate is outside the trap with the treat gone and the trap still open.

I baited him for a couple of nights and then rigged the trap so he could not flip it or get to the bait. This time I hung the treat from the top of the trap so he had to step on the trip plate to even get near the treat.
Morning arrives and the smart little fart is trapped. He was moved a long distance from here and will never be here again.
I'm sure at sometime he was caught in a Have -A-Heart catch alive before. Several folks around here have traps which makes me sure he was trapped before. They trapped the animal and then release him withing a 2 to 3 mile distance. At that distance they will find there way back to what would be there home area.

If the neighbors would not raise hell ( I'm positive they would ) I would baited them in for a couple of nights. Then sit up on the roof during a moon lite night with a shotgun. Then see how many I could get before they made it over the fence and into the woods behind the house.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I live trapped raccoons, possoms, and ground hogs over 2 summers in my Dad's gardens. I'd fill 1 1/2 to 2 holes, 4'X4'X4'. Less than half of fill was dirt. All of a sudden, Dad had 4-5 times as much sweet corn than any previous year. And, I had fewer .22 cartridges.

But, I'm afraid I've wandered off course from Joey's pirogue. My little kid came out to play again. Sorry, Joey.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
jesup, ga.
Chuck atleast they didn't leave you a treat in your garage ft e or boat like they did someone's boat in the okee. :lol: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Thinking about the next build. I've gone over and over in my mind about the "perfect" boat for these parts. It always comes back to a 15-16 ft. pirogue-type boat, 40-50 lbs, 24" wide bottom---give or take. It'll do just about anything you could ask from it, barring 2 ft waves and high winds. Plenty enough room for camping, decent stability for fishing and efficient enough to cover some pretty long distances. I'm liking the wide gunnels of beekeepers boats. They keep the paddling angle low while still maintaining enough freeboard. They make carrying the boat MUCH easier, too.

A decked canoe would probably fill the bill just as well, but I like the simple build of a pirogue.
