sinus sufferer's remedy | Page 2 |

sinus sufferer's remedy


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Joey,

I missed this one. My life wuz upside down fer a while back then. We do somethin' like that. Ocean iz salt water 'n bakin' soda. The store brand Ocean iz so cheap we quit makin' out own. When our noses first start cloggin' up, we use it a lot. It dont have no dope in it, so it dont keep ya frum breathin' if ya dont use it.

Bakin' soda keeps the salt frum burnin' yer nose. My brother come up with a recipe. Up ta the Shade Tree Medikle Clinic we tell folks ta use it cuz ya kin make yer own fer almost nuthin'. Miz Bear used ta make it with distilled water, but boilin' works too.

regards 'n keep yer nose clean

ps There iz a heap a bad stuff that jest caint grow up in yer nose when ya flush it with saltwater a few times a day. We dont use it much cept in the spring dust 'n early fall.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
So Cal USA
It's a little abrupt but Jack Daniels snorted works pretty good after
the shock wears off. Then snort plain water to get it out of your nose
It works. Then a snort, you'll probably need it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
Willow Springs, NC

jdupre' said:
Tried a new product over the last week or so. It's called a Jala Netti Pot. It has been used as a cleansing tool for centuries in India. It is shaped like a small tea kettle. The tip of the spout is shaped to seal against your nostril. You fill it with warm water, add a quarter teaspoon of salt per 8 oz. of water. You bend over and insert the spout against your nostril and slowly tilt the pot and let the water go in one nostril and out the other.

Using it 3 or 4 times a day, I have been free of congestion and it even cleared up the infection, which always took a doctor's visit, antibiotics and about a week and a half to clear up. I have all my friends using it and they have had similar results. Allergy sufferers, you need to try this.


I swear by these things. One of the only things that helps me with sinus problems. If I've been out in the workshop sanding or something I always wash out the sinuses with my netti pot.

The recipe is 1/4 tsp kosher salt (do not use regular table salt it BURNS!!) and 1/4 tsp baking soda per 1 cup luke warm water.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
This product has saved me probably $1000 in doctor visits and medicine in the last year and a half. That's nothing compared to the RELIEF it has given me. There's no kind of treatment, shot or medicine a doctor has given me for sinus infection that gave IMMEDIATE relief like the Netti Pot has. How many remedies have y'all ever tried for any ailment that gave immediate relief. Not many, I would guess.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
The spray we mix up does the same thing....if ya lay cross the bed with yer head off the edge.......tilted WAY back 'n spray. Let it soak in good. It is the salt that does it. The soda jest keeps the salt frum burnin' the snot outta yer nose. lol

That will be $5. [wink]

Shade Tree Medikle Clinic

Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.  Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
jdupre' said:
How many remedies have y'all ever tried for any ailment that gave immediate relief. Not many, I would guess.

I once felt a migraine coming on - flickering lights, headache, general disorientation. Treated it with several glasses of bourbon. Got immediate relief. You don't want to overdo the bourbon, though, or you will experience flickering lights, headache, and general disorientation.

Seriously though, my wife has fits with her sinuses, and she has used the netti pot and found it to be helpful. I personally just pool up some water in my hands while I'm in the shower and gently snort some of it. Makes my nose run like hell for a few minutes and when I get out of the shower I blow it out good and feel better. But then I don't have severe nose problems. Sherri does, and she would vouch for the pot.

The NETTI pot, that is. Schoolteachers aren't allowed to use the other type, even if it might help their sinuses. :)



Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
Willow Springs, NC
I've tried the saline spray but that doesn't do anything for me. I think it's the volume of saline that goes through and washes all the pollen out that makes the netti pot so effective. One of my coworkers has an attachment for his water pick (tooth brush thing) so you get pulsating force with the wash. I've had days when I use it and it didn't do much for me but then I hit it again and problems are gone. Best $10 investment ever.


Well-Known Member
The hot food will clear you out temporarily, that's for sure! There's a nasal spray that uses hot pepper as an ingredient. It's called Sinus Buster. I don't want to link to their site because the spammers will come out in full force.

I had a bout with pink eye earlier this year and it looked to be back. Turns out the doc said it wasn't really pink eye... at least not the contagious kind. It was allergy related. I've had the worst time with allergies this year.

He gave me a sample of Omnaris nasal spray. It has a steroid in it. Cleared me up in a couple days. I had to get a refill and it was $85!!! But if you go to their website, they have a $50 discount card that I used at the pharmacy. Ended up paying $20 copay (my Rx insurance has a deductible).

Chuck don't boot me for spamming! It's a good deal worth mentioning.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Up at the Shade Tree Medikle Clinic we figgered out that infection dont grow well in a salty sinus. Ya gotta lay upside down 'n tilted ta git the salty water up in yer sinus. ['er use a flush like that Netti.] Cortisone iz soul glue 'n will fix near bout anythin' in 2 hours, but it aint really good ta use all the time. Same with all the nose sprays that use chemicals to open ya up. After a bottle 'er two ya jest caint breathe without that stuff....'n it dont work az good if ya use it all the time.

The Hindu fellas used ta put salt water on a long stip of cotton 'n run it thru the nose, down the back of the throat 'n out the mouth.....then they pull it back 'n forth like a shoe shine boy with a pair of new Jarman shoes. Most folks git nervous watchin' a thing like that. They kin run the strip of cotton all the way down 'n out the arse, but that takes a few days. Hard ta figger them Hindus, but their farmers did not come in on a load a watermelons. Jest the other day they called out all the young gals ta plow their fields the god of dirt clods would smile on 'em.

I wish our farmers had come up with that. They jest buy store bought fertilizer. Not much fun in watchin' that stuff work.

Shade Tree Medikle Clinic
Dept. of Nasal Science

Lord, the money we do spend on Government and it's not one bit better than the government we got for one-third the money twenty years ago.  Will Rogers


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
I've also heard that taking a tablespoon per day of locally produced honey helps with allergies. Seems sensible, in that the honey would have all sorts of pollen in it. Haven't tried this, since my schnoz doesn't really bother me that much. Haven't got Sherri to try it either, as she doesn't like honey (go figure).

I suspect that a lot of years of smoking put some calluses in my sinuses. But Camel Lights ain't a solution I would recommend to anyone.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
JEM said:
The hot food will clear you out temporarily, that's for sure! There's a nasal spray that uses hot pepper as an ingredient. It's called Sinus Buster. I don't want to link to their site because the spammers will come out in full force.

I had a bout with pink eye earlier this year and it looked to be back. Turns out the doc said it wasn't really pink eye... at least not the contagious kind. It was allergy related. I've had the worst time with allergies this year.

He gave me a sample of Omnaris nasal spray. It has a steroid in it. Cleared me up in a couple days. I had to get a refill and it was $85!!! But if you go to their website, they have a $50 discount card that I used at the pharmacy. Ended up paying $20 copay (my Rx insurance has a deductible).

Chuck don't boot me for spamming! It's a good deal worth mentioning.

Matt ... That is not spamming it trying to help folks , You found something that works and we are here to share that information. Besides the new system on here has stopped spammers , only one slipped in and showed his stern :lol: on here ... he was gone as soon as I saw it.

I have a chronic sinus problem so I really enjoy any helpful information. Sinus pain is no fun , relief is. :D



Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2009
I bought one of those neti pots a couple of years ago. Used it once and didn't much like it. After reading this, I'm going to give it another chance.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I do the flush a bit differently. I use a rubber ear syringe. a squeeze bulb of about 1/2 cup capacity. I mix the same solution as here, suck some into the syringe, tilt back my head as far as comfortable, and GENTLY squirt fluid into one nostril. Hold it there, closing the valve in the back of the throat, leaning back forward and it drains. Twice per nostril.

Warning: Have at least one hankie handy; two are better. Wash your hands well afterwards. With either method, you may get, once in a while, residual drainage for up to a half hour. Do it about an hour before going to bed.

This is not a graceful procedure to do in public, but it is very effective. I've found it will shorten the duration of a common cold a LOT. With no environment left to live in, the cold simply moves out.


Well-Known Member
And, i must tell you other geezers, that when two or three fellows are out in the swamp and there's no radio, no TV, no internet......just the buzzing of the insects and squeeling of gator-bit rabbits the REAL ENTERTAINMENT is watching jdupre' snort salt water.

For a while we were putting out a little raw fish, and watching the flies sit on it, and then the lizards eating the flies, paying Jack to lay flat on the bank of the bayou to attract the Buzzards......but this JOEY SHOW is far, far better.

I really wanted to dust a little cayenne into the pot but he was keeping too close an eye on it.



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Now piper, you know I made it a point to go off by myself to do the deed in order to spare y'all sensitivities. That was the FIRST time -- the second time I used that cast iron cooking thingy you brought with you. You know, that Dutch stove or oven or some such thing. :twisted:

:lol: :lol: