Simple pleasures........ Blackberries | Page 2 |

Simple pleasures........ Blackberries


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
My Older Brother In Law has two fig trees that cannot be picked with 8 ft step ladders. When my trees get to tall to pick I will trim all the lower limbs to four foot off the ground. I'll get me one of Bears stylish Viet nam straw hats, put it on, crawl under the fig tree, lean back on my elbows and kick the snot out of the tree trunk and dislodge the ripe figs in the top of the tree, then pick them up off the ground. Cannot let good figs go to waste.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

The tree extends up over the house and has a large trunk. Since the neighborhood cats like to use it as a highway to get on the roof I left there highway open hoping they might get a tree rat or two.


I'm with you give me the Catfish any day and not the farm raised ones , wild ones only. Try them smoked some time with a cold beer.



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
A few years ago I got a little fig twig to take root in a pot. When it was time to put it in the ground I dug the hole deeper than needed. I loaded a six gal plastic bucket and my cast net in my truck and went to the river and caught a bucket full of shad, took them home and poured them in the hole and filled the hole up to the proper level and planted the little fig. After the fig took hold it took off like a Rocket. The indians had it right.That one makes six fig trees on my little place. One was just a runt and not growing so I cut it off at the ground and it jumped back up with a vengeance so I will have to dig it out to get rid of it.
By the way, where did the berrys go. :?

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Joey, you have used my favorite way to eat freshwater fish. Plant them with, say, a fruit or nut tree, or a grain. Eat either the fruit or nuts, or feed the grsin to a cow and eat steak. Done that way - fish always tadtes good.

I suppose, fish under blackberries would taste good too. Even better, would be blackberry wine!