Az that great buzzard up on the bluff sez "I slept, therefore I fergot", but I jest discovered how retired life iz the fast in that movie with Kenanu when that bus had ta keep goin' fast so it dont blow up. I jest dont git it. A one legged man in a butt kickin' contest dont come no where close ta tellin' how bad it iz.
The High Sheriff tole me it wuz gwine ta be slow 'n eazy.....hustlin' ole prunes outta there dope on the shuffleboard court. He may sniff glue with the best of 'em, but he dont know squat bout retirement. Cops figger retirement iz Dunkin' Donuts 24/7. Hmmm......they figger that iz their job description too? any ex-lawyer jokes? :mrgreen:
He was a hard-headed man,
he was brutally handsome, and she was terminally pretty.
She held him up, and he held her for ransom, in the heart
of the cold, cold city.
He had a nasty reputation as a cruel dude;
they said he was ruthless, they said he was crude.
They had one thing in common, they were good in bed.
She'd say, 'Faster, faster. The lights are turnin' red."
Life in the fast lane
Surely make you lose your mind.....
[one or more of the Eagles]