Hope this hasn't been posted before but since I just found it here 'tis anyway. Two canoes from natural materials by an 18 year old English lad enamored of primitive crafts. His 1st one http://www.jonsbushcraft.com/building%20a%20canoe.htm is admittedly a bit crude----but it floats!
The 2nd shows that his 1st effort yielded the experience to do better. http://www.jonsbushcraft.com/canoe2.htm
So if the price of marine grade plywood and epoxy has you depressed and on hold sharpen your machete or hatchett and head for the woods.
Where there's a will there's a way! Tom @ Buzzard Bluff
The 2nd shows that his 1st effort yielded the experience to do better. http://www.jonsbushcraft.com/canoe2.htm
So if the price of marine grade plywood and epoxy has you depressed and on hold sharpen your machete or hatchett and head for the woods.
Where there's a will there's a way! Tom @ Buzzard Bluff