Pocket knives. | SouthernPaddler.com

Pocket knives.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
Just curiuos. Over the past fifty years or so, I have carried dozens of pocket knives, worn out a bunch, broke a couple, lost more.
I usually carry either two or three pocket knives: A main blade, a small stockman of some sort, and a cheapo "Do everything" tool type knife.
My current favorite are: Main blade, just used for cutting generally, "BenchMade", Mel Pardue design. It has the best lock I have ever seen, holds an edge very well, difficult to sharpen. American made.
The current stockman is an American made Case.It's a back up to the main blade, and at least one blade is kept super sharp and never used. In case I have to perform surgery some time, or something. (or in the unLikely event I might want to shave.)
The cheapo is just that, I think I paid four bucks for it. It has the screw drivers, scissors, the all important corkscrew, and a blade that I don't mind ruining if the occasion calls for it.
What are your Favorites?


Active Member
May 7, 2005
My EDC is a Case Med Stockman and a little single blade SAK for picking splinters and cleaning my fingernails.
I've carried Kayak Jack's Gerber multi-tool as well as a Leatherman and a Spyderco whatchamacallit but don't care for any of them as I couldn't get them to do any job as well as a dedicated tool and they all weigh about as much as a small revolver. Unless I'm camping, I guess I'm rarely far enough away from my truck and tool bag not to go get the tool I need.
For camping I have my EDCs along as well as a 3-4" fixed blade and a SAK with a corkscrew (just in case). The blade on the SAK is sharp and rugged enough to slice cheeze and such but I figure it is pretty much a throwaway if I needed to use it to do any real work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
On any camping trip I have my Victorinox Swiss Army "Champ" Knife. It is a portable tool kit and has everything but a pad to make notes on , even has a pen with it. It is in a sheath and attached to my belt.

In my pocket is a 3 1/2 inch folding lock blade pocket knife which is really sharp ...(Great for digging Vienna's out of there can , very carefully ) a gift from Cabelas to me a while back. The food kit has a sharp fixed blade filleting knife for kitchen duties or a Bo Randall 5 inch blade sheath knife.

The pack has a Gerber "Gator" for any serious cutting or in its place a Marine Corps "K"Bar which has been with me since the early 60's.


tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
two blade stockman buck pocket knife I have had this knife for twenty odd years done everything from wire stripping to gutting a bunch of deer with it
4 inch blade fixed blade an old knife but don't know the brand It is usually attached to my pfd
ontario knife machete for all the rest of the chores


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
I carry a "Dupre' special" prototype pocket knife. Has a single 2 3/4" drop point blade and scales made from the front cover of brass electrical junction box. Tough as nails and ugly as sin. Cooking box has a the big, hulkin' bowie knife(made from a John Deere lawn mower blade) and a sharpening steel. I consider a steel to be a necessity. A few licks on the steel and you have a new edge. Sharp knives cut rope, skin animals, clean fish-- dull knives cut YOU! Don't ask me how I know. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Got a Buck, 2 blade jobbie that sits in the drawer. About 20 years old now.

Paddling, I carry a quality filleting knife in a sheath that is screwed to each of my boats. It is my knife, very sharp, Holds a superb edge and is used only for cutting fish.

I make my General Purpose knives out of a old cross cut saw. Very basic, but sharp, hold a good edge and have a blade of usefull length.

I have no time for blunt knives or for knives with dinki little blades. :p


Jan 22, 2008
I've always been big on the leatherman(I don't go camping without a couple of them) as for my pocket knife it's either my 4" junglee or my benchmade automatic- they're really handy, easy to open one-handed, and hold an edge very well. I also carry my sharpening kit with me camping for my friends who don't keep their knives sharp...