Pocket 1/2 Aid Kit | SouthernPaddler.com

Pocket 1/2 Aid Kit

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
This isn't a first aid kit; it isn't that big or grand, It's about a half-aid kit. I carry one of those plastic cases for contact lenses; just two connected, circles with screw-on caps. Fits right into a pocket easily.

In mine, I carry some Neosporin in one end, for cuts, scrapes, etc. In the other end, I carry some Bag Balm (kinda like Vaseline with lanolin added) for chapped lips. These two unguents can handily take care of many, little bumps & bruises along the way. For your uses, you may want to have different stuff in there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2009
I don't use Neosporin - I think minor wounds heal quicker when simply washed and left alone. Yeah, no band aids either unless needed to stop the bleeding and then only as long as needed. Minor wounds heal better and quicker when they can dry out.

For chapped lips and other minor things, I carry a tube of chapstick in my pocket.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Several thought on 1st Aid Kits I have seen argued in the past.
A minor kit will take care of minor injuries which will heal no matter what you do so why have the kit with you.
If the injury is a major item ( Arterial cut ) no 1st aid kit will save you since you need professional help instantly.

Myself , Most of the time I never use to have one with me , just the prescribed medication and aspirin.

Lately while hiking I have a small kit with the normal stuff in it , band-aids , a little Duct tape , antibiotic ointment , a blood coagulant for minor cuts ( I am on 2 different blood thinners and the slightest scratch/scrape bleeds like a major incision) Hand sanitizer ( it's also a good antibiotic item ) and a small bottle of vodka. ( a drop of vodka on a tick and he is gone ) last but not lease a bandanna and some large thick cotton ( gauze ) pads in case I need a pressure dressing to stop any bleeding.
One or a combination of the items should cover any thing for me if they would be needed after a good cleaning.

If you don't want to use the vodka to get rid of a tick some CamphoPhenique does the job. I also use it for insect bites , scrapes and minor burns when I have some with me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
I understand about blood thinners. in the warehouse of the different pawn shops I have been assigned to I find a corner that has plenty of spider webs. and sweep them clean every once in a while to have clean webs to stop bleeding with. I have used some pretty dirty and nasty spider webs a time or two and have never gotten an infection from them. I wonder if it would work to put some webs in a container to keep in a 1st Aid Kit?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Spider webs are an old fashion cure to stop bleeding. Just make sure the spider is not with the web when it is used. The Black Widow has a fine and rather tight web that works pretty good. I have seen it used by field hands in the past when I would be working with them in the field. Use a twig to collect it.
Can't see where they ( the webs ) would spoil when put in a jar , try some and see how it works but fresh webs are all around.

There are a lot of 1st aid tricks a person can do when camping or in the woods and a lot of them work right around the home. Something folks tend to forget , the Indians and even the pioneers who explored and discovered this country did not have a Walgreen's or a Pharmacy to go to. They used natural stuff.
If you are near a weeping willow and have a headache , take some bark from it , boil it and drink the liquid ... weeping willows have the same chemical that makes up an aspirin , acetylsalicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid is the purified version of salicylic acid which the weeping willow has.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
oldsparkey said:
<SNIP> If you are near a weeping willow and have a headache , take some bark from it , boil it and drink the liquid ... weeping willows have the same chemical that makes up an aspirin , acetylsalicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid is the purified version of salicylic acid which the weeping willow has.
It's good for your menstrual cramps too. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
oldsparkey said:
<SNIP> If you are near a weeping willow and have a headache , take some bark from it , boil it and drink the liquid ... weeping willows have the same chemical that makes up an aspirin , acetylsalicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid is the purified version of salicylic acid which the weeping willow has.
It's good for your menstrual cramps too. :wink:

I will have to take your word for that. :roll: