Plugged Drain |

Plugged Drain

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Late season green tomatoes, lots of'em - and I can't eat that many fried green tomatoes. So, I sez to myself, I sez, sez I, "Self, make pickles out of'em." "Great idea."
Onions are part of the recipe, and I foolishly put onion skins into the garbage disposal. DUMB! Disposal had no problems, but the drain immediately afterwards plugged up tighter than a scotch virgin.
Guys, don't put onion skins into the disposal. sigh


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
It was probably a dime store seegar that fell out his mouth and into the drain. No onion skin problems here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Ha , Ha, I am enjoying all of this since we don't have a Garbage Disposal in this place ( "Ooooop's" might call me that since I get to take the full bag out to the main garbage cans).
"O" Well back to the story..... we do have a Garbage Can which takes all the left over and unwanted food trimmings without any problems. Just open the top (lid ) drop the stuff in the bag lining the can and then close the lid. "O" ... Now and then when it is full ( If I don't notice that the wife does remind me when that can is full ) take the full bag out and deposit it in the outside garbage can for the guys to pick up later on.
If we wanted to really be environmentally friendly then we would use that stuff for a compost pile to enrich the soil , later on , for a garden. :D