On all of the other kayak fishing boards I keep up with, a pretty big deal is made about your ability to re-enter your kayak. Since I am too fat, I practice this frequently so that I know I can do it if I need to. I have even gotten to where I will jump off the boat, a Sit-On-Top, and go for a swim almost every time I go out.
A sit on top is easy easy to re-enter, and since there are scupper holes, filling the boat with water is not an issue. What I would like to build, a Pirogue with a more kayak like bottom and sealed decks with hatches bow and stern, would probably not be too difficult to re-enter in deep water. BUT, I am guessing that it will fill with water and the sealed portions at the end will keep it afloat long enough to get it bilged out.
Do any of you practice re-entry in a pirogue-type craft? If so, what has been your experience with dealing with the water in the boat?
A sit on top is easy easy to re-enter, and since there are scupper holes, filling the boat with water is not an issue. What I would like to build, a Pirogue with a more kayak like bottom and sealed decks with hatches bow and stern, would probably not be too difficult to re-enter in deep water. BUT, I am guessing that it will fill with water and the sealed portions at the end will keep it afloat long enough to get it bilged out.
Do any of you practice re-entry in a pirogue-type craft? If so, what has been your experience with dealing with the water in the boat?