pirogue newbe | SouthernPaddler.com

pirogue newbe


Jul 30, 2007
Tyler, Texas
Hey yall,
Russell Powell (papachoochoo) here. I've been read'n yall's site for a long time now and decided to join in on all the fun. Bought a UJ kit, cut down a cedar tree two years ago. Started ripping up the cedar into strips last week, plan on making a strip pirogue something like Chuck's. It's a local cedar tree native to east Texas, as soon as I figure out how to post pictures I will. Taking them through out the entire project. I just finished making a kayak paddle out of the same cedar. Epoxy is on order, should be here any day. Thanks for all the advice from everyone so far.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Well, Papa Russ, welcome aboard. Most folks here are a bit tetched, and the rest consult the voices to stay straight. Frankly, I'm a bit concerned for all of'em. Except, maybe, you and me. And, I ain't too sure about you.

Your handle of Choo Choo deserves some enlightenment for us. You're a train man of what kind? My only hands on experience was with an American Flyer about 65 years ago. I've ridden trains in Japan, Taiwan, and the CONUS. Japan is best hands down. Except, maybe, for when the fish wives would get on with a large basket of fish strapped to their back, and flaunt it around in your face like Dolly Parton does with her .... not fish.

Your cedar strip peerow will be a real adventure, fer sure. Wooden boats get addictive. And - it has nothing to do with any chemical reaction between epoxy and the human body. It's more a reaction between wood and the human mind.

So, new friend paddler, tell us more.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
papachoochoo said:
Hey yall,
Russell Powell (papachoochoo) here. I've been read'n yall's site for a long time now and decided to join in on all the fun. Bought a UJ kit, cut down a cedar tree two years ago. Started ripping up the cedar into strips last week, plan on making a strip pirogue something like Chuck's. It's a local cedar tree native to east Texas, as soon as I figure out how to post pictures I will. Taking them through out the entire project.

This explains a little about the pictures and some web sites you can download to do it http://www.neilbank.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3927 and at the top of the Boat Bragging Section is a post about posting pictures , how to do them. http://www.neilbank.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1032
We will be looking forward to seeing the progress as it moves along.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

I am sure you know this but just as something I found out when I made the stripper pirogue.

I used a band saw with a 1/4 inch blade ... MISTAKE... The blade wanted to wander on me and when I had the strips together there was a lot of sanding with a belt sander to get everything more or less the same width. The bigger the blade the less it wants to wander when doing the cutting. By the way it took 144 3/4 by 8 foot strips to make the whole boat.

I did not use the cove and bead on the strips (did not have a tool for it ) I was wishing I had one after starting , it would of made it a lot easier.

When doing the joints a scarf joint will be a lot better then a butt joint , the butt joint leaves a line between the strips where the scarf joint doesn't. Or it is not as noticeable when working with strips.

Above all , wear a respirator or mask of some type when working with the cedar ( cutting , sanding ) it is a toxic wood and at the lease you would end up with a splitting headache without one. The oil in the wood can do some damage so be safe and wear a mask when creating the sawdust.

The California Red Wood is very toxic ( that is why bugs don't like it or Cedar) and I had a mask on when ever I was creating some sawdust.



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day Papa and welcome aboard mate.

I am real interested in our build (and I am sure many others are as well.)

Please go to the trouble of learning how to post piccies so that we all may share.

In the meantime, If you have some you would like to share now, if you like, you can email them to me and I will re-size them and post them for you. :D


Jul 30, 2007
Tyler, Texas
strip pirogue

OK, here's my first try at pictures. This picture shows the two sides of my pirogue. made up of 22 strips, 8' long, I butt glued the joints (sorry chuck,your advice came to late).

Let me know if this works. By the wat, papachoochoo is the name my grandchildern gave me, I do collect sonme train stuff, bells, whistles,toys, and I always wear overalls, some are stripped.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The power of suggestion , looking at the picture I can smell the cedar so I would be willing to say your picture came out OK. :D

If I remember things correctly your side boards are from the heart or sap wood of the cedar since they are dark in color , you should have a very aromatic shop.



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Welcome aboard! Chuck has some nice photos of his cedar pirogue on the UJ website. (He likes it :twisted: NOT! when we call it a cedar boat.) Looking forward to seeing the finished product.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Welcome aboard! Chuck has some nice photos of his cedar pirogue on the UJ website. (He likes it :twisted: NOT! when we call it a cedar boat.) Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

All I consider is the source , later you will see the difference between a thrown together California Red Wood pirogue and a well made hand crafted Texas Cedar pirogue of the finest proportions :D :D


sheena's dad

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
Moscow, Idaho
Hi Russell.

How'd that East Texas cedar mill out for you? I've tried it before and it always seemed to be a dry powdery wood, real brittle (At least what I was able to get was that way, so I guess it could've been my source). Love the look of it and would love to use it on a few projects of my own.



Jul 30, 2007
Tyler, Texas
east Texas cedar

Hi Steve,
There seems to be two kinds of cedar trees over here, that I know of anyway. The first has a very rough knoty look to the bark, the second has a smooth look. Thats the one I cut down, about 42" dia. and 40' tall. If this pirogue works out I have enough wood to build several more.