Pirogue "Luffee" has been wetted | SouthernPaddler.com

Pirogue "Luffee" has been wetted


Jul 11, 2007
extreme Northern Illinois
I have included a link to PhotoBucket to show pics of Luffee (colonial era Dutch term meaning sweetheart).

She was launched 11/10/07. I started in July and was hoping for about 1 month build, but life happens. She is 15' 7 " long and 32" wide on the bottom. I will be making two seats and adding a keel strip for solo work. I will be painting the hull green in the spring. The gunnals are stained redand will be spar varnished.

I am really looking forward to the spring!



Jul 11, 2007
extreme Northern Illinois
Them is some long paddles! Thanks guys,

It's always fun to get a pat on the back. I am pretty proud. I could not beleive how fast "my" boat turned into "everybody's" boat. I had friends and neighbors doing regular checks on my progress. The day I took it out was a spur of the moment thing and I had several people who were really sad that they weren't there to watch.

Being new to this activity, I had several opinions as to how long the paddles should be. After listening to them and doing a little on-line research, I decide to start with long "touring" paddles. With the boat being pretty wide, I was worried about reaching over the sides.

I bought a 12' piece of 5/4 cedar decking. After cutting it in halves and scribing centerlines, I attacked with a hewing ax and a drawkniife and tried to copy what I have seen several of my reenactor friends do. If you don't count labor, I have about seven dollars invested in each. I think there will be some shorter paddles in the future and I can sort out what works best when and where.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2007
Ozark Mo.
Great looking boat Skoonz. I really like the piccies that show all of the rocker in it. What kind of root beer is that in some piccies? That bayou canal you were on is?

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I like the wooden "D" rings as grab handles. I'll be they took some time and love to make, ehh? I believe you're going to enjoy your boat.

Attention form others - yes. All of a sudden, you are a special guy in their eyes. You can take a stack of wood - and turn it into something nice looking and fun and useful VOILA' And, danged if they're not right!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder

That looks kinda like one of the boats Truthful Jack 'n Eric the Red paddled that time they got drunk 'n went lookin' fer Iceland. Good job.


The most costly of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It is the chief occupation of mankind. H. L. Mencken


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
Very nice job! :D

I liked the pics where you had all the frames clamped to a table at one time, it looked like you were making one, large strange frame. :) And as has been said, the pieces you added on the stem & stern post worked out very well.

I couldn't figure out why your Pirogue looked larger than mine, though. They are about the same length, both have 5 frames, with yours being only 2 inches wider across the bottom. . . Then I saw where you made the sides higher. That explains it.

Good looking paddles, too! I found I got around a lot better with a double-bladed paddle, myself. And for that, the folding boat seat from Uncle John's is just perfect. I can, and have, sat in it all day long. Very comfortable and it looks good, too.

Enjoy your Pirogue!

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Actually, Br'r Bear, Eric was sober that day. In fact - I didn't even knew he drank until that day when I saw him sober! Almost didn't recognize him. We sailed right on past Iceland, and slud into Greenland in a Sunday afternoon. McDonald's wasn't open, so we cooked a goose. Eric, ever the jester, then goosed the cook.

Mike, I concur with you on the double ender. Only about 80% more effective than a single blader.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
That is one sweet looking boat Skoonz. I thought for a second that you took that piccie in my garage as it was so clean. Hmmmmmmmmm! I caught many flung poo over mine.

I hope you have many great memories in your new boat.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
You guys with clean shops should be burned at the stake. If they need kindling or sawdust for the fire, give me a day and I'll sweep some up.

Well, maybe four or five days, I have to go buy a shovel first.


Jul 11, 2007
extreme Northern Illinois
Ozark said:
Great looking boat Skoonz. I really like the piccies that show all of the rocker in it. What kind of root beer is that in some piccies? That bayou canal you were on is?

Ozark and all,

Sorry I have been away for so long. (Usual reasons here) I thank everyone once again for the positive feedback. I will be needing a new hat collection for sure.

I see you noticed my universal scale/color check/variable mass hold down weights/root beer. They are some of my favorite and well used tools. I get them at several "building Centers" in town. One of my favorites is Badger Liqours in Beloit Wi. They usually have about 150 different brands on hand from all over the world and you can make your own six-packs for whatever project you are taking on. You can vary the mass by removing some or all of the liquid "ballast". And as with most good tools, extended use instills a feeling of self-confidence and well-being that really makes the time go by.

The water you see me on is a roughly circular "moat" That belongs to the family of a co-worker. It is Just a couple miles South of the Il/Wi state line and about 80 mi. NN/W of Chicago,very nice. There is an island in the center that would easily hold a soccer field. I could see pirogue races around the island as the cheering crowd watches from the center.

I deer hunt the land and was able to do my maiden voyage there because Luffee is not yet inspected and registered with the State of Illinois. Once the paint is on this spring the Constable can officialy declare her a boat.

FYI, on my drive into work this morning at 5:30, (Yes I am an industrial prostitute!) it was -11 F.



Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2007
Ozark Mo.
Must have dried up I don't see it this time either!
Register with the state? Whats that gonna cost ya? In Missouri if you don't put a motor on it it doesn't have to be registered.
That's probably why we got so many aluminum and glass junckers on the river.


Jul 11, 2007
extreme Northern Illinois
Ozark said:
Must have dried up I don't see it this time either!
Register with the state? Whats that gonna cost ya? In Missouri if you don't put a motor on it it doesn't have to be registered.
That's probably why we got so many aluminum and glass junckers on the river.

I could walk on that water today! It was -7 degrees F when I left the house at 5AM.

After get the hull painted so they will know what color it is, I need to arrange to have it inspected by the DNR the verify that it matches the description on the application.

When I talked to them during construction they asked how long the boat was and I said "about 16 feet". The woman then told me to be as specific as possible because if it really was 16 feet or longer I would have to produce receipts for all of the materials and pay taxes on them. If less than 16, there is no tax on a homebuilt.

A first time application is $13 and a renewal is $6. Being a "canoe", I will not have to display the big-ass registration numbers, only a sticker in the shape of the great state of Illinois on each side. I told the woman that I would like to use this boat for an occassional historical reenactment and asked if there was any way to temporarily hide the stickers (I will also have a set from our city park which allow access to our lake). She said that I coould talk that over with the person that did the inspection. I am not too hopeful on that one but we will burn that bridge when we get to it.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
HINT #1 the boat is 15' 11" NO MATTER HOW LONG IT IS

HINT #2 Don't ask permission to cover the numbers. Only if someone asks, do you withdraw the tarp or animal hide that accidentally dropped over them.

HINT #3 Move from northern Illinois to southern Michigan. A lot of problems go away when you do.


Jul 11, 2007
extreme Northern Illinois
#1 Roger
#2 Gotcha
#3 Unfortunatly it will be a while before I can cut the cord with the employer of the last 35 years. I should have learned a marketable trade instead of doing what I liked. Ouf fair stste will let no chance go by to make a buck!