Perfect vs good enough | Page 2 |

Perfect vs good enough


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
A little more insight into my troubled mind. I make boats partly ( or maybe even mostly) for the artistic thrill of crafting a 3 dimensional object. The shape is the big thing for me. So, when the sides of a pirogue are fastened together at the ends and clamped to the center jig.......THAT shape is what I'm after. THAT is what my mind wants to see. The rest of the build is anti-climactic and kind of a drudgery. Strange to be me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I've been accused of enjoying the building of the boats more then using them. After each one was done I would spend a week or in that neighborhood of time paddling and camping somewhere. ( Looking back , Now I know why my wife was always asking me when am I going to build another boat.) That week was fun but not as enjoyable of watching it come together with each piece of wood , glass and the rest.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2014
Central Kansas and Central Texas
I've been accused of enjoying the building of the boats more then using them. After each one was done I would spend a week or in that neighborhood of time paddling and camping somewhere. ( Looking back , Now I know why my wife was always asking me when am I going to build another boat.) That week was fun but not as enjoyable of watching it come together with each piece of wood , glass and the rest.
Maybe we need a support group


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Some folks are just beyond help so it's a lot better to let then continue on down that sawdust and epoxy soaked path. I was always told to humor the mental unbalanced ( Guess I'm One ) and if all it takes is a zip lock of sawdust , for fillets , that's GREAT...


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
I have had so many thoughts about this subject I have resisted posting. I don't like to type that much.
I don't see an issue. Either perfect, or good enough can be OK. It just depends on what game you want to play.
There seems to be four aspects of boat building, fit, finish, form,and function. All are important, each are connected, and each can effect the others. How well the builder/designer does his job determines how well the boat preforms at the game we are playing.
Boats are usually built to one of three standards, home made, hand crafted, or work of art. Nothing wrong with any of these, just depends on what game you are playing.
I will never build to the "perfect" standard because I don't have the skills ,knowledge, or resources it takes to even get close. Personally, I do take satisfaction in doing the best I can. At some point it becomes "it is what it is". If that is recognized as better than "good enough" I'm pleased.
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Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
What we’re discussing here, is how we figure and apply our time - what do we do with our time that we have available? There’s more time available out there in general, than what each of us as an individual has access to. That’s one of the components. Another component is - what do I want for me?

As kids, we’re first taught about what is right, and what is wrong. Children don’t yet have the capacity to figure out the grey areas, so we’re taught “either or’, in two separate compartments. Age and experience begins to teach us that, in fact, right and wrong aren’t cast in concrete; they are cast in jello. The situation strongly affects what the outcome could and should be, not some simple rule that worked when we were children. Life, in fact, is situational.

So are boats. The basic job of any boat is simple - stay afloat. Basically, if the boat remains afloat, it has fulfilled its primary purpose in Life. How well it performs any other task or requirement is secondary, or tertiary.. If an exotic boat sinks, it failed. If an ugly boat floats, it succeeded. How each of us defines beautiful, perfect, exotic, and all other superlatives are personal choices. We choose what is right for the situation, as WE see the situation.

Thoughts of others can be helpful, or not. Our personal thoughts are critical.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
The point that FLA MIke used to make "Perfect is the enemy of good" I think he passed that..............

Also true "Good enough is the enemy of better."

Everything about "Perfect vs Good Enough" seems to be relative to our criteria (what game we play).