Oogruk Flippers | SouthernPaddler.com

Oogruk Flippers


Well-Known Member
From an old Eskimo friend:

Oogruk Flippers

1 small oogruk
fresh blubber

Cut the flippers off from the oogruk. Put the flippers in fresh blubber. Let
them stay there for
about two weeks. Take the loose fur off the flipper.

Cut flipper into small pieces and eat the meat.


Well-Known Member
Ya, Jack, you are right. Sorry, but some fine recipes just should not be changed. Also, i know that Oogruk is out of season right now, but it never hurts to have a favorite recipe handy if family is coming over for the weekend and say, maybe an Ooguk wanders in too close to the dog lines and happens to, uh... pass away. Waste not want not, you know. Piper :D :D :D

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I have to admit that I never thought anything could possibly make spam, viennie snausages, okra, and gritz sound good - but you may have found it with oogruk flippers. Of course, those flippers might be better with garlic. Dorazio (Yakus Appetiticus) probably has an Italian recipe for them that includes garlic. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Folks it is a bearded seal, also called the square flipper seal...........If you don't mind I will stay with my can of Spam either the Pork or Turkey , it does not matter.
For all you save the Seals ( animals not the Navy's Special Service Men ) and PETA ( Not the People Eating Tasty Animals ) Folks islandpiper can be contacted by email. :lol: :roll: :wink:


Recipesource sure has some weird recipes , besides this one.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Wannabe said:
The little grocery store I shop at has three different brands of Nouc Mum,<SNIP>
I never touched that stuff when I was in Nam, and it was fresh. A buddy of mine was stationed in the town of that name where the stuff is made; he tried some. He isn't right today.