Oldyaker is Hospitalized !!!!!!!! | Page 2 | SouthernPaddler.com

Oldyaker is Hospitalized !!!!!!!!

Lee Schneidermann

Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Ol yak,
I keep hearin' on the TV that in about 60 days we'll all be livin' in a Theocracy. The messiah hisself is gonna lead us! Hang in there 'cause the lame are goona walk, the blind are gonna see, and there's gonna be a healin' here that day!! :roll: :roll: :roll:



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Thank You Brother Lee! Kin I gits an AMEN for Brother Lee? C'mon...lets hear it!

AMEN!!!! 8)


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Yall better watch yo mouth. In about 60 days the Hate Police will be out in full force, then whatca gonna say. :shock: :? :cry:
Bob (Should we also be careful what we sign our name to?)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Thanks Bob! Time to re hijack this thread again! :roll:

Chuckles....Thinking of you this morning. Since I'm stuck home and don't much but push remote buttons, read and pretend I'm camping, Pat got me a treat. I think you would kike it. Quick, fast, easy and good. When your lazy, need it fast, or just recuperating like me.

Bob Evans Sausage Gravy & Biscuits. Comes in the freezer section. Nuke a few minutes and ya got a good breakfast. Not as good as the greasy spoon in Folkston they tore down, but good none the less. DAMN I wish I could go with y'all in a couple weeks! :cry:

I ain't even allowed to drive until maybe Friday.:cry:

On a lighter note, my grand daughter wanted to know where I was at...Grammy took a stuffed monkey and took a picture of me at the hospital with this monkey and sent it to her. She told Ally Papa was at the monkey hospital....she said I belonged there! :roll:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Bored to tears...

So when you ain't allowed to drive, go anywhere and do anything.....Ya read prescription warnings. I guess it's a Geezer rite of passage...

These are some of the meds I'm on......It ain't no wonder I'm messed up in the head. If you ever have to do this...read the labels first.
PROAIR HFA-WARNINGS..cough, headache, nervousness, tremors, trouble sleeping, dry throat.

LEVAQUIN WARNINGS---Diarrhea, dizzness, gas, lightheadedness, nausea, stomach pain.

PREDISONE WARNINGS---Difficulty sleeping, feeling a whirling motion, increased sweating, indigestion, mood changes, nervousness.

The key words that stick out to me anyway. Nervousness, tremors, dizzyness, lightheadedness, whirling motion, sweating, mood changes, difficulty sleeping... :shock:

I thought meds were to help? Mixing all three of these meds....I wonder what the hell it's doing to me? :?

Time to pitch them all and go back to Dago Red from a box with garlic every hour..... :wink:

john the pom

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
hmm letmesee now.
Maths was my absolute worsest subject at school but Chuck said
2 Q is 1/2 gallon , just less then one liter

Now then A Qt is two pints right.
A pint is 600ml or 0.6 of one litre.
2 pints is still a Qt.
A Qt is 1200ml or 1.2 litres.
Two Quarts (4 pints) are equivalent to 2400 ml, which is 2.4 litres which happens to be way more than "Just less than one liter [sic]"
Would it be possible for you guys to contact my old school and see if'n I can claim a late "pass" for my efforts here today :D
The moral of the story is Yak ya gotta get well real soon or I'm just gonna keep on believing I'm a budding mathematician :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Re: Bored to tears...

oldyaker said:
So when you ain't allowed to drive, go anywhere and do anything.....Ya read prescription warnings. I guess it's a Geezer rite of passage...


OK, which one is something new for you. :?

1. Cough
2. headache
3. nervousness
4 .tremors
5. trouble sleeping
6. dry throat
7. Diarrhea
8. dizzness
9. gas
12.stomach pain
13.Difficulty sleeping
14.feeling a whirling motion
15.increased sweating
Looks to me like they are just trying to get you back to normal. They did forget ...Uncontrollable hand waving when the jaw is moving and a ridged finger. :lol: :lol: :lol:

YEP.... I noticed the sausage gravy packs in the section where the sausage and bacon are at the store.
Being lazy and thinking of a easy breakfast .... the package showed biscuits with the gravy over them .... "O"Boy.. :D
Then checking the package ...No Biscuits with the gravy , so much for truth in advertising. :evil:

To make matters worse .... Micky D's down here do not have them on the breakfast menu like they do in Georgia. Do you believe that :eek: ...Georgia is more advance in good chow then Florida is. Must be the Yankee influence here in Florida. :wink:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Seems the hospital records incoming calls. About an hour after Jimmie was sprung, the head nurse on his ward contacted me. She asked if I knew a James Dorazio.

"Not very well, Ma'am. I met him once at a convention."

"Well, the staff here is certainly glad he has been released... uhh discharged. He was the most omnipotent, obstinate, obstreperous, odorous, ornery patient they had endured this year."

"Uhh, yes, Ma'am. That'd be Jimmie. Have you inventoried your beds, sheets, bedpans, rectal thermometers, and rubbing alcohol flasks since his departure?"

"In progress as we speak. He IS deszzzx-PICK-able!"

"Uhh, yes, Ma'am. That'd be Jimmie."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Jeez P-Gator! I never thought of that but it would explain my sore breasts and random crying! :shock:

Uhhhhh Jack............I ripped off the depends for you buddy! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I gotta put this here cuz that way Miz Bear mite not read it. I aint even on dope 'er Dago Red, but I jest got a call frum the fella down at the Comfortable Inn desk. Sez I left somethin' at the desk 'n he aimed ta bring it up ta me. That set me ta wonderin', so I asked him what I left on the desk. He sez "yer credit card".

Dang....that wuz three hours back. Some really shady folks wuz hangin' out on the tv 'n free computer in the lobby. I put my Ruger close ta the door 'n when he knocked, I opened up 'n there it wuz....my credit card. He sez he tried ta call the room a while back, but I had gone back ta the ICU ta see Miz Bear.

Dont none of ya'll tell her what I done. The sun got in my eye? I fell over a dirt clod? I wuz worried bout the depression? I wuz thinkin' bout the High Sheriff 'n the St. Mary trip? Jest keep it quiet...ok?


ps I hope he didnt use it ta buy a ton of Viagra. :?

Mikey, why don't you tell that nice girl you love her? I love you with all-a my heart, if I don't see-a you again soon, I'm-a gonna die. Peter Clemenza


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
Br'er Bear,
No Matter what the dismal, doom and gloomers say say on the TV, most folks in this great, wide world, are good folks.
That doesn't give anyone permission not to be alert and prudent. but it's been my experience, as long as I stay away from doctors, lawyers, tax collectors, politicians, judges, and cops, most of the time the folks I run across are just like that desk jockey. Honest and helpful.
(Unless, of course, the viagra was purchased. More likely it was used for three hours of 900 number phone calls to the Caribbean. Those are impossible to get off your credit card! Just ask my sister about 900 numbers. She said to her son, after recieving a $600 credit card bill, "You want someone to talk dirty to you, I'll talk dirty to you, you little *&#%@*^%$!)(He was 14 at the time)

(I'll not rat you out to Mz Bear until she is stronger, and able to heft a rolling pin.) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Singin' Jim,

I owned up ta it. Better than takin' a chance. She iz still kinda woozy frum all the doctor messin' round inside her head. Only dope (cept fer the stuff they knocked her out with) she will take iz Tylenol.


Roscoe: Howdy, my name’s Roscoe Brown. Is this Texas? I’m frum Arkansaw.
Ole Sam: Got any whiskey?
Roscoe: Yes sir, I got a bottle rite here in my poke. I’d be glad ta share it with you. Havin’ possum for yer supper are ya?
Ole Sam: Yeah, but you aint.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Singin' Jim,

I checked my chargin' card on the world wide web.....nuthin' but mine 'n Miz Bear's on there, so this fella may be on the up 'n up....a straight shooter....honest az the day iz long....true blue....no plan ta run fer office. :wink: I think it iz workin' folk. They jest aint like the post office trash.


Chef: Why do all you guys sit on your helmets?
Soldier: So we don't get our balls blown off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
bearridge said:
Friend Singin' Jim,
I checked my chargin' card on the world wide web....


Good move , Better to be safe then sorry. Best to cancel the one you have and get a new one.
Just make sure you notify anyone you have a automatic deduction deal with ... ISP's , Toll roads .... ect.

PS. Ya know those folks you do not have to flash the card to every time you want there services. Especially your membership on here with us ... Just e-mail me the name of the card , the number , expiration date and code ( the three numbers on the back of the card) :lol: :lol: :lol: I have this swamp area I want to purchase and that information would be a big help in doing that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
O Master of Flow Bizness,

I dont pay fer no card charges I dont make. My bank pays near bout all my reglar bills. Well, it aint MY bank. At the motel the clerk asked me if I had a reservation. I tole him "heck no, do I look like an injun"?

I wish I knew what this thread wuz bout.....so I mite take us back.


We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it, than to consume wealth without producing it.  George Bernard Shaw

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Jimmy's getting better. Notice, I didn't say "normal". I just talked with him, and his spirits (mental, not alcoholic) are high. He can laugh without too much coughing now. On hi s way tot he doc's.

Br'r Bear, I'm glad the missus will be around to harass you some more.