Well, I am still confused about a few things. Since the inside is the hardest I am going to do it first. I plan on glassing the whole boat, OK ,questions....
I did the outside first because it was easier and I had never done any fiber glassing. I was nervous as crap about doing it but it really wasn't that bad.
1. If I epoxy saturate the whole boat, do i brush that on or use a spreader? What grit sandpaper do you use to prepare for the glass?
I think folks are all going to say something different. I tried the roller but hated it. I used a spreader that I liked but it was difficult to do parts that weren't flat. Mostly, I preferred using a chip brush. Try several tools and I think you'll find the one that suits you best.
2. When you do the inside, i assume you start in the bottom and work up the sides? Where do you stop (where will the top, and bottom joint be?) Does the glass just conform to go over the ribs?
I had the same question. Do not attempt to glass the ribs! Here's what I did as a first timer. I cut the the glass to fit between the ribs and long enough to go over the gunwales. I taped the glass to the outside with blue painter tape to hold it in place. Once you start applying the epoxy it's going to move around a bit and you'll have to make positioning adjustments (at least I did). When this happened I just pulled the tape made the move then restuck the tape. An after thought for me was that it might have been better to start with the bottom, let it cure a little to hold it in place then do the sides. I just had problems with the glass pulling away from places that I had already epoxied while applying to other areas.
3. Do you pre cut the glass oversize, and trim it to fit when the epoxy is still a little soft?
yes, but wait for the epoxy to cure. It cuts ez with something like a box cutter.