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No Fun


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Last Friday my heart doctor put me in the Hosp. to try to get my blood pressure and heart rate under control. After a coulple of runs on different meds he found one that is working on my BP and heart rate but in my sleep the heartrate will fall down very low. Last night it went to 28 and a nurse was in here pretty fast. Doctor came in this afternoon and told me I would be getting a pacemaker put in on Friday. That will be another week off work. ahe said something about my left arm being immoblized for a while so I'll be doing the One Finger Polka for a while.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
Bob, I hope you are doing better. My wife is on her 2nd. pacemaker. Wore the first one out after about 10 years. Both procedures went well. She said she didn't know how bad she felt befor. She felt much better after getting it.
Will keep you in our prayers.



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Thanks Bee,
When my Dad got his, he was able to get so much more work done than before he wanted to get a second one put in. He said that if he could do all that he does on one, with two he could probably get rich. He always thought that if a litle was good then a lot would be a lot better. He was about 86 at the time.
Prayers, good and kind thoughts are always welcome.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Welcome to my world.............
I'm on my third Pacer and Defibrillator combination , 1st one was 18 years ago when I was 50 after having three Cardiac Arrests in one day. The Defibrillator was the 1st and then the others ( replacements ) with the combination units.
Do yourself a favor and ask the Doc which side of the shoulder he intends to place it , if you like to shoot ( long guns ) right handed then get it on the left side. My mistake was not asking them that so they put it on the right side. :evil:
( sounds to me like they plan on the left side but I would ask)

It is easy instillation you just lay there and sleep then when you wake up everything is over with. Well the work the Docs had to do , now it is up to you. There is a lay over time in the hospital and after I could do laps around the cardiac unit they were happy and let me go home. Or it might of been that I was raiding there ice cream and Canada dry container's at the nurses station all the time. :lol:
Believe it or not but I actually had a good time there , lots of friendly nurses and the rest of the crew were some great folks. I had to be there so I made the most of it. You will think I am joking but the chow was pretty good ( I did not have to cook it or worry about doing the dishes :wink: ) and they really take care of you.

This last one they had to run the lead in and up to the top of the heart instead of lower in the heart. That procedure had me on restrictions for 6 mouths. I could not life anything over 5 pounds and never raise my right arm over my head. After the 6 mt's was over it was back to normal again with the normal 50 weight restrictions for lifting.

One thing you will get use to is the check up every 3 mt's or 4 mt's.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2009

Sorry to hear you need this done, but I'm damn glad you found out in time to get it done. Maybe you could hire Chumley to fill in for you while you recuperate. :shock: Pinch a nurse for me.



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Thanks Jack,
Around my house your a lucky feller if your sick or injured. You are in get Spoiled City. Gay can;t seem to do enough for you. You cannot get care like that at the Hospital. However, when your all better all bets are off and you have to unspoil rather quickly. :(
I don't think I need or want difiba-deal from what I remember about when yours went defective few years back.I will make sure they put it on the left side. sure do apreciate the heads up on that.
I'd be glad to qinch one for you if I could get them to quit pinching me :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I thought a de-fib-ro-later would keep olde fartes from stretching the truth. Then, i found out that they were actually the little basket thing that takes the fuzz out of the dryer.

Have fun Oprah every day. That'll be a good test of your new pump actuator. heh heh heh

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Well, Bob, as long as she "spoils" you when you're disabled, that's OK. Once you can fend for Yourself (sit up and take nourishment, wet the bed unassisted, etc.) you should be taking responsibility.

Dog I had when I was a kid hurt her right forepaw. She'd sit in front of the steps, waiting to be carried up into the house, right forepaw raised for sympathy. I carried her. After about a week, I saw her running full tilt, no problems. That evening, she sat waiting, with her "injured" paw raised. When she didn't get picked up, she lowered that paw and raised the other one, looking up, all forlorn and pitiful. Took her a few days to forgive me for not picking her up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Watch out for Bob , Now he is wired and fully charged. :wink:

Here is one shirt that I like to wear when visiting the Doc to get the unit checked , everyone gets a tickle out of it and whats to know where I found it.

This is going to be my next shirt........

I found it here They have a wide selection of saying , some are comical. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
The pacemaker was put in last Fri and I just got back from the Dr.s office. He pulled the staples and told me to stay hone another week. The blood pressure pills he put me on causes drowsiness and dizzyness so he wants me to take another weed for my body to get used to it. This last week I think I have been asleep much more than I have been awake.
Sorry Guys, no defib. unit involved. Loved the T shirts though. From what Chuck has told us about some of the fun he has had with his, I would pass on it If I had any choice. I guesss when you need one you don't have any choice. :( Think I'll go take a nap now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
tx river rat said:
How are you doing now with the electronics?
I'm doing fine. Finally got yo the point where I didn't have to sleep in my recliner. I am resting so much better in my bed. I have noticed that if I give my wife any backtalk she is trying to put a magnet on my pacemaker. I wonder why she is doing that :mrgreen: The irratating part of the whole deal is that I am taking about three times as many pills and three to them will make me dizzy or drowsey and one will give me a case of the drymouth to where it feels like I have velcro in my mouth. Other than that, everything is peachy.