Nice New Belt Quiver |

Nice New Belt Quiver


Well-Known Member
I have just been out shooting in the back yard. Man, it's hot out.

I am shooting about 25 % better these days, since Jdupre' made me a nice new belt quiver. It is leather, and easily holds a dozen field arrows.

Thanks again, joey!!! Great equipment, makes shooting more fun.



Well-Known Member
Dear Uncle Rat, USELESS is a word i reserve for professional politicians and hate to see it used as you have here. But, i'll make myself get up, walk through the house, get the camera, and cord, get out the quiver......set up a couple shots......load them into the 'puter......crop out the piles of mail and dirty them through Photobucket, and post them here, JUST FOR YOU. Dang, it's hot.

Actually, i posted this as a formal THANK YOU for JDupre'.

And, there is the risk that if the pics look good, then THOUSANDS OF FELLOWS will over run his puter, begging to have him make one for them, too. He has a job, and hobbies to keep up on,




Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Aw,shucks. Glad you can get some use out of it. It wasn't exactly new. It has a made quite a few rounds around a 3d course. Probably had a couple of miles of South Texas brush country in it's past too. Really handy design. Arrows are right there close at hand. With the nocks facing to the rear, it goes right through brush with ease. Yep, really handy design.

I've tried 6 or 8 different quiver designs over the years. My current favorite is the plains indian quiver. I wear it slung over my left shoulder with the body of the quiver under my right arm and arrow nocks facing the rear. Goes any and everywhere you go with a minimum of fuss. Another case of a few thousand years of design evolution.



Well-Known Member
Hey, that's even better than having a NEW one!!




Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
Now that's a dang nice lookin' quiver, Mr. Piper! Our friend Joey continues to amaze me at his prowess in making all sorts of useful things like this quiver. I, too would be proud to be the recipient of such a fine quiver. 8) 8) 8)

Hmmm, I guess that might sound like a smart ass remark, but it isn't intended to be. Both you and Joey impress me with your skills and inventiveness. I hope to meet both of you someday. :D
