New Member, Hello. |

New Member, Hello.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
Tryon, NC
Just a note to say hello to all on the forum and introduce myself.
I have been away from boats for awhile, but the fever has returned and I'm itching to get on some flat/black water soon.
I am sitting on plans for a Pirogue as well as a Punt. My intentions are to start on the Punt in the next two weeks. The Pirogue will assuredly follow soon after.
One of my other hobbies is colonial history re-enactment and trekking and both craft will serve quite nicely.
The headliner event next year will be participating in the James River Batteaux Festival. Six days on the river, following replica tobacco batteaux should be a lot like playing 18th century Huck Finns.
I hope to soak up some of the collective knowledge of forum members about boat building and adventuring on river and bayou.
Looking forward to meeting some of you on the water some day soon!
Mike Justiss (Nockatee)
I'll tell you about that handle sometime. :wink:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Mikey, welcome aboard. If you are merely insane, you will have raised the quality of membership by joining.

Your hobbies sound fascinating. I have a couple buddies who are into the re-enacting too. One got too old this year, back problems. the other is beginning to consider that option too. Evidently newer technology actually HAS improved our comfort in the outback.

You'll find guys with a wide variety of hobbies and interests on here. Most of us, of course paddle. Many also camp. Some build boats. Then, from there, the spread goes hog wild in variety of interests. (We even have a lost soul who plays bagpipe.) I tootle the didgeridoo now and then - the only instrument more beaudacious than a bagpipe.

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana

Sir Noc,

If it is knowledge you wish, knowledge you shall gain if you follow my simple suggestion.

Begin at the beginning and read through all the posts. Scan all of them as you would not wish to miss even the smallest bit of information which may be gleaned from them.

Pay paticular attention to all of those posts/ lectures submitted by the esteamed proffessor from the world famous Bodine Institute . You will find his little gems of knowledge sprinkled throughout the many posts on the site. As you read, you will note that there are many different schools of learning within the Bodine Institute. Just single out the ones that pertain to the subject you are interested in at that time.

There is also one individual who regularly posts here who will, for a small fee, provide you with some specially formulated aluminum foil which should be shaped in a specific manner, the plans for which can be purchased from still another member. This will protect you from the voices.

I think that about covers it. Welcome aboard and happy Turkey Day.

Whoops, I almost forgot. Do not skimp and think you can fold the foil without the plans. I attempted to do just that at first. FAILURE big time. By the time I had accepted the fact that the voices were getting through, I had built four boats and was thinking of another. After spending the $$$$$$$$$ and getting the plans, folding the foil correctly and replacing it in my hat, the voices have been muted.

I now only have the desire to carve paddles, which is a big savings.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Mike,

Welcome. Tryon? Got pichurs? We like pichurs. Some of my folks pulled up stakes out frum Waxhaw a long time back. Seems ya live on the edge of the mountains. Makes my heart soar like a hawk.....157/86. :wink: A teacher over in the Ozarks jest had all the little pardners re-enact some of the independence war. I reckon he seen how the school books dont have much good ta say bout the Foundin' Fathers. I reckon it iz diversity. :cry:


Mind like a steel trap, rusty and illegal in 37 states. unknown


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
Tryon, NC

Thanks for the welcome. I think I'm gonna like it here!
I often have to place an old colander over my melon to filter out the the scatter. I can tell the mother ship is near when the number "nineteen" penetrates my consciousness. Usually another motorcycle appears when that happens, but now the frequency will be producing watercraft instead.
Music? I plunk a banjo now and again, but never near a creek or river since it sends chills through folks out trying to enjoy nature. :wink:
I met the guy who came up with the line "...squeal like a pig" in Waynesville last year. No, really, that is the truth! He is still scary looking, but a prince of a fellow. Goes around with a pet squirrel on his shoulder. :roll:
Eat plenty turkey!

Jimmy W

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2006
north georgia, USA
Welcome Nocatee
Them legs on the colanders act like antennas and won't stop the voices. That should be evident by the fact that you already have plans for two boats. Mick had a piccie of him wearing one once and look at what happened to him. Now he needs to build a new shop to store them all. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
Tryon, NC
Down to one...

Kayak Jack said:
Hey, Nock - what kinda bikes you riding?
I'm down to one right now, Jack. It is a DR350 "dualsport". I like to ride off and on road and camp off the bike. Have had a variety of street and DS machines over the last few back on two wheels about 8 years ago. Usually ride about 10-12K miles a year.
At one time, I thought my wife was going to make me go to one of those meetings where you stand up and say.....
"Hi. My name is Mike and I suffer from Multiple Bike Disorder". If I don't fold the tinfoil just right you may have to insert "Boat" in that statement! :oops:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I rode off road for a lot of years. Got a bit old and can't find territory to roam any more. They fenced me in! (or, out.)

My last bike was Suzuki 400 Apache. I had a steel ring added to the outside of the flywheel and it changed the engine completely. Made it into a real plow-puller with the torque to move dirt in big quantities.

Canoeing and kayaking full the bill now for outback vehicles. And, Cessna fills the bill for adventure.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Re: welcome Noc

wrhester said:
An interesting and colorful group of paddler/builders/storyteller/liars as you've seen. I haven't been here long either, but everytime I come see what they're talking about I either laugh, learn something, or both. Enjoy your time here

Liars?... Liars?.... We prefer "truth adjusters".

Welcome to our adopted planet.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2006
Welcome to the fold. {folded foil that is} I tried the truth once and had a lawyer rearainge it so it sounded more better. But to you Sir welcome. Your life has and will now begin.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
So Cal USA
Just get a real hat. I used to ride my 750 on the fireroads in the
hills till I had to sell it. Flatrackin a street bike on a mountain ridge
is pretty exciting. Till you high side, and go oops. Scooters are fun.
