Hey guys...I picked up the plans for UJ's pirogue and am looking to get started next weekend. While listing my supplies needed, a few questions came up and I was hoping you could point me in the right direction. First, let me lay out what I'm planning on building. It's going to basically be bare bones, not straying from the plans much- to be used mostly for duck hunting transportation (not hunted from). It will need to carry one 175 lb person, 50 lb dog, a dozen decoys, and the other small things that go along with duck hunting.
I'm thinking 13.5' overall length, 1/4'' luaun, cypress everywhere else, brass screws, taped seams, epoxied inside and out, and camo latex enamel paint inside and out. I'm trying to keep the costs as low as possible, since I'm doing 2 at the same time, but want something that will last a long time if taken care of. Weight isn't a huge deal, but would like to keep it fairly light...I should be able to, given what I've listed, right?
My main questions are: what type of luaun do I need to be looking for? How much epoxy should I need for 2 boats like this?
I'm thinking 13.5' overall length, 1/4'' luaun, cypress everywhere else, brass screws, taped seams, epoxied inside and out, and camo latex enamel paint inside and out. I'm trying to keep the costs as low as possible, since I'm doing 2 at the same time, but want something that will last a long time if taken care of. Weight isn't a huge deal, but would like to keep it fairly light...I should be able to, given what I've listed, right?
My main questions are: what type of luaun do I need to be looking for? How much epoxy should I need for 2 boats like this?